Range of Motion

The correct steps to follow when using a walker (without wheels) are to

a. move the walker and the feet at the same time

b. move the walker, place the walker firmly, and step

c. move the walker  and then slide the feet

d. slide the walker and then slide the feet

b. move the walker, place the walker firmly, and step


Mr. Adams needs to transfer from his bed to his wheelchair. His care plan states that a mechanical lift is needed for the transfer.  Before using the lift, the NA needs to

a. place the mechanical lift in the highest position.

b. be properly trained with mechanical lift use

c. apply a transfer belt

d. apply a lift sheet

b. be properly trained with mechanical lift use


Range of motion (ROM) for the elbow includes

a. inversion,eversion

b. abduction,adduction

c. flexion, extension

d. rotation, hyperextension

c. flexion, extension


Mr. Smith has a below the knee amputation of his left leg.  It is very important for the nursing assistant to

a. watch for signs of skin breakdown on the stump

b. remind him that phantom pain is not real

c. make sure the prosthesis is covered by his clothing

d. wash the prosthesis when giving Mr. Smith a shower.

a. watch for signs of skin breakdown on the stump


When using crutches, the resident's weight must rest on the hand rest because

a. pressure in the armpits can cause nerve damage

b. it prevents the crutches from slipping

c. the crutches are "held" under the arms

d. it gives the resident greater control when climbing stairs

a. pressure in the armpits can cause nerve damage


The care plan dated three weeks ago states that Mr. Adams weighs more than the weight limit of the mechanical lift.  What should the nursing assistant do?

a. Get a co-worker to assist

b. weigh the client again

c. Use the mechanical lift anyway

d. Ask Mr. Adams what he wants to do

b. weigh the client again


When the NA performs ROM exercises on a client, this is called ______ROM

a. active

b. active-assistive

c. passive

d. passive-assistive

c. passive


The NA notices that Mr. Smith's prosthesis seems to be causing some redness on his stump.  The NA should

a. tell Mr. Smith not to wear his prosthesis

b. report the problem to the nurse

c. put cotton in the prosthesis to make it softer

d. refrain from washing the reddened area

b. report the problem to the nurse


When assisting a client with cane use, the cane should be used on

a. the affected (weak) side

b. the unaffected (strong) side

c. either side, depending on how the client feels

d. the weak side one day, the strong side next day.

b. the unaffected (strong) side


While preparing to use the mechanical lift for a patient transfer, the NA finds the sling from the lift is frayed.  What should the NA do?

a. Have the patient get up independently

b. Continue with the task assigned

c. Have an LPN come to assist

d. Tag the equipment for repair and do not use it.

d. Tag the equipment for repair and do not use it.


Mr. Smith has ROM exercises ordered.  Even though the NA has supported his arm and performed the movements slowly and smoothly, Mr. Smith has begun to complain of pain in his elbow.  What should the NA do?

a. Follow doctor's orders and continue the exercises. 

b. Put cold packs on the elbow after exercising

c. Prop the elbow on a pillow

d. Discontinue the ROM and report Mr. Smith's complaint to the nurse

d. Discontinue the ROM and report Mr. Smith's complaint to the nurse


Artificial eyes are made of glass or plastic.  What is most appropriate for the NA to use to clean an artificial eye?

a. alcohol, then rinse

b. iodine, then rinse

c. mild soap and water, then rinse

d. any cleaner, then rinse

c. mild soap and water, then rinse


Mr. Smith is a client who recently had a stroke and has weakness on his right side.  He uses a cane and requires assistance when walking.  The NA should

a. support Mr. Smith's right side

b. support Mr. Smith's left side

c. walk behind Mr. Smith

d. encourage Mr. Smith to use a wheelchair.

b. support Mr. Smith's left side


As the NA is transferring a client using a transfer belt, the client becomes weak and starts to fall.  The NA should

a. hold the client's transfer belt tightly and lean away from the fall. 

b. loosen the transfer belt and call for assistance

c. grasp transfer belt and lower the client to the floor along the NA's leg

d. hold the client tightly and lean backwards

c. grasp transfer belt and lower the client to the floor along the NA's leg


When clients use assistive devices to perform ADL's (activities of daily living), they are meeting the goal of

a. self care

b. depending on others

c. helping others

d. safety

a. self care
