These are three vital signs that should be checked to verify if a resident has died.
What are pulse, respirations and blood pressure?
There are this many ounces (oz) in one pound (lb).
What is 16?
The common cold, Herpes, AIDS and Hepatitis are all examples of these.
What are viruses?
What is Hours of Sleep?
After performing opening procedures, this is the first step before shaving a resident.
What is "Place barrier for supplies to maintain clean set-up?"
These types of respirations are a common sign that death is pending.
What are Cheyne-Stokes Respirations?
There are this many inches in an individual who is 5 ft, 9".
What is 69?
This is a pathogen’s way of gaining entry into a new reservoir.
Examples include, the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, the genitourinary tract, the eye and breaks in the skin.
What is a Portal of Entry?
A surgical operation in which a piece of the colon is diverted to an artificial opening in the abdominal wall so as to bypass a damaged part of the colon.
What is a Colostomy?
When performing peri-care, you wash the resident's genital area while they are in this position.
What is Supine?
This is the last sense to go during death.
What is hearing?
A resident weighing 68 kg weighs this much in lbs.
What is 150 lbs?
This is the difference between Medical and Surgical Asepsis.
What is:
Medical asepsis (clean asepsis) reduces microbes and helps prevent their spread; whereas Surgical (sterile) asepsis removes all microbes?
What is Nasogastric Tube?
This is the part of the body you wash first when giving a Partial Lower Body Bed Bath.
What are the hips?
Having the right to expect continuing medical care and nursing attention even though “cure” goals must be changed to “comfort” goals, is an example of these types of rights.
A resident drank two (2) cups of water with breakfast. This is how much she drank in liters.
What is .47 l?
This is how you properly perform hand washing. (Student will demonstrate for class).
What is....[HH demonstration]?
This form of the hepatitis virus is usually caught from contaminated food or drink.
What is Hepatitis A?
When trimming a resident's fingernails, this is the direction you should trim.
What is straight across?
These are the Five Stages of Grieving, in the correct order.
What are:
After weighing and measuring your resident, you determine that he is 182 lbs and 5'10".
This is his weight in kg and his height in cm.
What is 82.55 kg and 177.8cm?
These are five (5) times when we should absolutely be performing hand hygiene.
What are:
-After we use the bathroom.
-After coming into contact with our own, or someone else's bodily fluids.
-After coughing, sneezing or blowing noses.
-Before and after handling food.
-Before and after performing patient/resident care?
(other valid, correct examples are fine too!)
What is Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus?
When performing a back massage, this is where you start.
What is the coccyx?