What is a normal blood pressure in an adult?
What color of ink should you chart with?
What is give as needed?
Transfer device used to help a person ambulate or transfer safely
What is a gait belt
What is Supine position?
radial artery
What artery is on the inside of the wrist that you check a routine pulse with?
When should you chart?
once a day
Blood Pressure Cuff
What goes around the arm to take a blood pressure?
Lying on your stomach
What is Prone position?
What artery do you center the arrow of the cuff over when taking a blood pressure?
Ask for help
What should you do if you don't know how to do something?
What is intakes and outputs?
Oral Care
What is cleaning the mouth/tounge of a patient?
Lying with your feet higher then your head
What is Trenelenburg?
60-100 bpm
What is a normal heart rate
Tell your RN
What should you do if you notice something different or vitals signs are abnormal?
What is Personal Protective Equipment?
What is the powder you put in drinks to help the patient not aspirate?
Lying with your feet up back flat
What is the lithotomy position?
What is normal oxygen saturation?
confidential (HIPPA)
What is it called when we keep our patient's information private and don't share with anyone?
What is activities of daily living?
Device that encourages expansion of your lungs
What is an Incentive Spirometer?
Lying on left side with hips bent and parallel to each other. Often used for enemas
What is Sims position