Scope of Repsonibilites
Job Description
Members of the Health Care Team

A CNA must always follow these guidelines which tell us "what" we need to do and "how" to do it.

What is Policies and Procedures?


In order to carry out a task delegated by the Registered Nurse, the RN must ensure that you will have the appropriate _______ to ensure the task is carried out safely and correctly.

What is the supervision?


Sterile dressings, administer tube feedings, and insert or remove tubes form the body.

What are tasks that CNA's cannot perform.


The state approved CNA program must consist of at least this many hours in the state of Maine.

What is 130 hours.


This person coordinates, manages, and provides skilled nursing care as well as assigns and supervises daily care given to residents by LPN's and CNA's

Who is a Registered Nurse?


The line of authority that ensures that residents get proper care and that protects employees and employers from liability.

What is the Chain of Command?


Before you perform a task that has been delegated to you, you should review these standards before proceeding.

What are The Five Rights of Delegation?


Appropriate dress, speaking well (grammar), being on time for work, completing tasks, making careful observations, and reporting accurately are ways to demonstrate ___________as a CNA.

What is professionalism?


According to OBRA CNAs must receive at least this may hours of training.

What is 75?


This nurse may supervise CNA's as well as administer medications and give treatments and is supervised by the RN.

Who is the LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)?


Leaving your assignment after you have accepted it without notifying the appropriate authority and allowing reasonable time for replacement is considered what?

What is abandonment?


A CNA must demonstrate this in all skills learned in the state approved CNA program before any task that requires skill may be delegated.

What is competency?


These caregivers spend more time with residents/patients that any other member of the healthcare team.

What are CNA's?


OBRA requires CNAs receive this many hours of continuing education per year?

What is 12?


This care team member helps residents learn to adapt to disabilities and assists in training residents/patients in performing ADL's more independently.

Who is an Occupational Therapist (OT)?


being found guilty of physical, verbal, sexual, or financial abuse will result in being listed on the abuse registry. Where is this registry found?

What is the State of Maine CNA Registry.


A CNA must never administer these.

What are medications?


CNA's assist residents/patients in these tasks that include bathing, dressing, caring for teeth, skin, nails, and hair, walking, transferring, toileting, eating, and drinking.

What are activities of daily living or ADL's?


 The percentage needed to pass the state written exam.

 What is 70%?


This care team member evaluates a resident/patient and develops a treatment plan to increase movement, improve circulation, promote healing, reduce pain, prevent disability, and regain or maintain mobility.

Who is a Physical Therapist (PT)?


The process of recording the care given to a patient or resident is called?

What is documentation?


The CNA must not accept delegation of a task that he or she has not been ________ to do.

What is trained?


Identifying with and understanding the feelings of others is referred to as this.

What is empathy?


You need to be listed on this to work in hospital as a CNA?

What is State of Maine CNA registry?


This care team member determines residents needs and helps find support services, such as counseling or financial assistance. May help a resident obtain clothing and/or personal items if the resident/patient has no family or other support.

Who is a Medical Social Worker (MSW)
