Professional Role
Clinician Role
Coordinator Role
Scholar Role
Advocate Role

What should a nurse do if they are unsure about a patient's care or condition?

Consult a more experienced nurse or healthcare provider

2.3     Exercises professional judgment when using agency policies and procedures, or when practising in their absence.


What is Pulmonary Edema?

fluid accumulation in the lungs' air spaces (alveoli) and surrounding tissues

(1.21 - Incorporates knowledge from the health sciences, including anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, psychopathology, pharmacology, microbiology, epidemiology, genetics, immunology, and nutrition.)


At the hospital, as a nurse, caring for a patient - what do we try to stick to for that specific patient? 

5.2 Monitors client care to help ensure needed services happen at the right time and in the correct sequence


What kind of evidence should a RN use to make decisions?

9.1 Uses best evidence to make informed decisions.

6S pyramid/Research-based evidence


As a RN who do we want to support and empower in making informed decisions?

The client

7.7 Supports and empowers clients in making informed decisions about their health care, and respects their decisions.


What is a nurses role when it comes to accountability and responsibility?

2.1 Demonstrates accountability, accepts responsibility, and seeks assistance as necessary for decisions and actions within the legislated scope of practice


What are is a common sign of a pulmonary embolism Lauren should have recognized and when is it likely to occur in a hospital setting?

Dyspnea and post-op

(1.21 - Incorporates knowledge from the health sciences, including anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, psychopathology, pharmacology, microbiology, epidemiology, genetics, immunology, and nutrition.)


Who does a nurse consult with to make sure client-care is handled as smoothly as possible?

Unit Clerk, other RN's, RPN's, Externs, Physicians, Lab techs, Imaging techs, Manager, Charge Nurse, the patient, the patient's family, Dietician, OT/PT (saying any 3 of these is a win)

5.1     Consults with clients and health care team members to make ongoing adjustments required by changes in the availability of services or client health status.


How do Registered Nurses demonstrate a lifelong commitment to excellence in practice?

Through critical inquiry, continuous learning, application of evidence to practice, and support of research activities.


How should Lauren have advocated for her patient when she first noticed concerning symptoms?

By immediately communicating her observations to the healthcare team and requesting a physician assessment


What organization or document should Lauren consult to understand her scope of practice as an RN?

The CNO / The CNO Scope of Practice PDF

What did Lauren fail to do when she did not go back to Rosa's room?

1) Evaluate the effectiveness of her interventions

2) reassessment of the patient's condition


As a nurse, what is our duty in helping clients navigate health care?

5.6 - Supports clients to navigate health care systems and other service sectors to optimize health and well-being


As a Scholar role, what is the expectation of a RN in regards to learning? 

9.8 Engages in practices that contribute to lifelong learning.

Uses Evidence based practice, keeping up to date with the most recent research and skills



How can Lauren advocate for system-level changes to prevent similar incidents in the future?

By participating in hospital committees or professional associations to promote policies that support novice nurses and enhance patient safety.


In Lauren's situation, what specific action(s) demonstrates Lauren taking responsibility for her own actions and decisions?

Co-operating with the manager/supervisor regarding her error in patient assessment

What should a nurse anticipate and plan for when caring for a patient?

1.7 Anticipates actual and potential health risks and possible unintended outcomes.


What is expected of a nurse in terms of organization and priorities?

5.3 Organizes own workload, assigns nursing care, sets priorities, and demonstrates effective time management skills


How can a RN support the future of health care?

9.5 - Identifies and analyzes emerging evidence and technologies that may change, enhance, or support health care.

9.6  - Uses knowledge about current and emerging community and global health care issues and trends to optimize client health outcomes.

9.7  Supports research activities and develops own research skills.




What could Lauren advocate for after this experience?

Better management/a better managed environment, the right for safe and competent care for clients (and for nurses), more thorough training for commonly expected complications in her unit. 

7.6 Advocates for safe, competent, compassionate and ethical care for clients.

7.10 Advocates for client’s rights and ensures informed consent, guided by legislation, practice standards, and ethics.



What are 3 actions can Lauren do going forward to educate herself going forward?

Hint: Think of PBL and Clinical assignments

(CNO Competency 2.9)

1) Assessing own practice and individual competence to identify learning needs/learning gaps

2) Developing a learning plan using a variety of sources 

3) Implementing and evaluating the effectiveness of the learning plan and developing future learning plans to maintain and enhance competence as a registered nurse. 


What are the compensatory mechanisms that are likely to occur in a patient with Pulmonary Edema? 

Compensatory Mechanisms:

  • Increased respiratory rate and depth to improve oxygenation.
  • Activation of the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increased heart rate and contractility.