Function of general anesthetics
Depress autonomic reflexed
relieves dry mouth and also stimulates urination
What is bethanechol (Urecholine)?
The brain and spinal cord
What is the Central Nervous System?
Procaine and Lidocaine belong to this classification
Injectable local anesthetics
Dopamine itself is not useful for treatment of Parkinson's disease because dopamine cannot do this:
What is cross the blood-brain barrier?
Route of administration for general anesthetics
hypersalivation, muscle twitching, sweating, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing
What is a cholinergic crisis?
Motor and Sensory neurons are a part of this:
What is the peripheral nervous system?
Acupuncture, Massage, Meditation, Therapeutic Touch
non-pharmacological interventions
Phenobarbital is what classification of drug?
These medications cause paralysis without loss of consciousness.
What are neuromuscular blockers?
applied intranasally to reduce nasal congestion and topically to dilate the pupil
What is phenylephrine (Neo-synephrine)?
Rest and Digest
What is is the parasympathetic nervous system?
Scopolamine is used to treat this
Motion Sickness
Causes anterograde amnesia
Only anesthetic in the form of a gas
Nitrous Oxide
commonly used with beta-blockers and diuretics to manage hypertension
What is Prazosin (Minipress)?
OMG! A bear has entered the classroom! Feet, don't fail me now!!!
What is the sympathetic nervous system?
Morphine overdose is treated with this medication
What is naloxone (Narcan)?
They have been largely replaced by the benzodiazepines, primarily because they induce tolerance and physical dependence, are lethal in overdose, and are associated with severe withdrawal symptoms.
Enhances GABA Receptor activity
General Anesthetic
emergency medication used during anaphylactic reactions
What is epinephrine (Epi-Pen)?
The primary neurotransmitters of the ANS:
What are acetylcholine and norepinephrine?
at the fingertips, the skin turns white as blood flow is restrict then turns blue as blood vessels react. what am I?
Raynaud Syndrome
Antidote for Benzodiazepine overdose