Indirect calorimetry measures this. RQ is a ratio of this. IC uses this equation and calculates this.
What is carbon dioxide production and O2 consumption?
What is VCO2/VO2?
What is the Weir equation?
What is resting energy expenditure?
The hang time for an open tube feeding system is ___, and the administration set should be changed at least q___hr. However, closed system hangtimes are up to ____hr.
What is 8-12 hr and q24h?
What is 48hr?
The osmolality for PPN should be restricted to <___ mOsm/L.
What is 900?
What is dry mouth?
The equation for corrected calcium is ____.
Corrected calcium = serum Ca + [0.8 (4-albumin)]
5 contraindications to IC include the following.
What is ECMO, CVVH (in some instances), need for non-invasive oxygenation, same day as iHD, claustrophobia/inability to lie still, an air leak, and FIO2>60%?
This is one of the major causes of EN contamination?
Improper hand washing
Choline is not included in TPN as it is made from this AA. A choline deficiency results in this condition in patients requiring long-term TPN.
What is methionine?
What is hepatic steatosis?
The four core ethical principles that are relevant to nutrition support include ____.
What is autonomy, beneficence, justice, and non-maleficence?
This electrolyte abnormality may result from sulfamethaxone/bactrim.
What is hyperkalemia?
The 3 fluid compartments in the body include the following, and they comprise ___% of total body water. The principle cation in the ECF is ___. The principle cation in the ICF is ____. The principle intracellular anion is ____.
What are intracellular (67%) and extracellular (total 33%) including interstitial (75%), and intravascular (25%)?
What is sodium?
What is potassium?
What is phosphorus?
Immune modulating formulas may contain these 5 ingredients.
What are arginine, glutamine, omega-3 fatty acids, nucleotides, and antioxidants?
This solution can clear lipid precipitate in a catheter, while ____ clears calcium phosphate precipitate, and ____ clears medications with a high pH.
What is 0.1 HCL?
What is sodium bicarbonate?
Medicare approves the use of a pump for tube feeds when ____.
What is intolerance to gastric feeds or existing jejunal access?
This is a type of fluoroquinolone. Some studies suggest holding tube feeds for ___ hr before and ___ hr after its administration?
What is cipro?
What is 1 hr before and 2 hr after?
The three short chain fatty acids include the following, and ____ is most important for coloncytes.
Polyurethane NGTs have a (lower/higher) comfort and (lower/higher) stiffness, but they are (more or less) resistant to fungal degradation compared to silicone NGTs.
What is lower?
What is higher? What is more resistant?
The available data suggests that the catheter hub of the VAD should be disinfected with this agent.
What is chlorhexidine?
The reading level for all educations should be in ____.
5-6th grade
The osmolality for this TPN solution is ____.
2000 mL
300g dextrose
85g AA
60g Smoflipid
What is 1175 mOsm/L?
PO patient be fasting this long prior to a metabolic cart. Bolus tube feed patients should be fasting this long before a metabolic cart.
What is 7 hr for PO patients?
What is 4 hr for bolus TF patients?
What is the EDEN trial?
7 potential etiologies for metabolic bone disease include _____.
What is?
Excessive doses of sodium
Inadequate calcium
Vitamin D toxicity/deficiency
Significant aluminum contamination (would be a reason to avoid KPO4).
Low magnesium
Copper deficiency
Low phosphorus
Two of the many elements for documentation of medical necessity for home EN include ____.
What is?
Requires EN for >3 months.
Condition involving permanent nonfunction or disease of gastrointestinal tract or impaired digestion/absorption.
Evidence that adequate nutrition is not possible by dietary adjustment
Radiographic evidence of obstruction, motility/swallowing studies, OR notes, etc
Weight history and nutrition assessment
This patient requires _____ mL of water repletion.
Weight: 60kg
Serum sodium: 150 mMol/L
What is 2.52L?