___________ can refer to any sort of separation, but is most commonly used to describe the group of symptoms that occurs upon the abrupt discontinuation/separation or a decrease in dosage of the intake of medications, recreational drugs, and alcohol. In order to experience the symptoms of ____________, one must have first developed a physical/mental dependence (often referred to as chemical dependency). This happens after consuming one or more of these substances for a certain period of time, which is both dose dependent and varies based upon the drug consumed. For example, prolonged use of an anti-depressant is most likely to cause a much different reaction when discontinued than the repeated use of an opioid, such as heroin. In fact, the route of administration, whether intravenous, intramuscular, oral or otherwise, can also play a role in determining the severity of _________ symptoms. There are different stages of _________ as well. Generally, a person will start to feel worse and worse, hit a plateau, and then the symptoms begin to dissipate. However, ________ from certain drugs (benzodiazepines, alcohol) can be fatal and therefore the abrupt discontinuation of any type of drug is not recommended
What is withdrawal
For 5 extra points what are some symptoms you have experienced when withdrawing?