Name something you always open first upon entering the office.
Besides Ice Cream, Name A Food That Can Be Scooped.
Mashed Potatoes soy/beancurd pudding Rice
What zodiac animal is 2023 the year of?
Neck Wrist Armpit
Name a part of your daily personal hygiene routine that you sometimes skip.
Brushing Teeth Skin care Showering
In The Office, Name Something That People Borrow But Almost Never Return?
Pen Marker Stapler Scissors
Name a food you wish was healthy so you could eat it everyday
Pizza Burger Fries Ice Cream
Whats one of the top three New years Resolutions?
In the shower, which part of the body is soaped first.
After you take a selfie, who might you send it to?
Spouse/Partner Parent Friend Chatmate
What could be the reason for going late to work?
Getting up late Traffic Weather
No Water Connection
What food do you want to avoid before kissing someone?
Durian Sardines Garlic Bread "Paksiw"
By tradition who are you supposed to kiss on New Years Eve?
Kiss/Hug your loved one.
Aside from hands and feet, name a part of the body that you have 2 of
Eyes Ears Arms Legs
Name something that keeps you warm at night.
Partner Blanket Heater Pajamas
Name something employees always ask for a follow up.
Salary Adjustment Retro
EDTS Request Approvals
Name a fruit that reminds you of a part of the human body
Watermelon Eggplant Papaya
This refers to a lavish midnight feast that takes place on New Year's Eve.
Media Noche
Name something a woman will never wear if it's dirty, but a man would
Underwear Dirty Socks Pants
Name Something You Clean that Only Gets Dirty Again in A Day
Hands Dishes Clothes Floors
Name Something At Your Company Event That Could Lead You To Embarrass Yourself.
Karaoke Laughing out loud unmuting yourself while someone is talking.
Name something you often eat that makes you choked.
Soup Polvoron Hot Takoyaki Grapes
Name atleast 10 fruits for New Year's tradition.
Pear Lychee Plum Watermelon Orange Apple Guava Grape Peach Chico Pomelo Kiwi DragonFruit Pineapple Pomegranate Lanzones Melon Longan
What grows big when you blow.
Balloon Ball Floater
Name Something You Hide When Unexpected Guests Arrive
Dirty Clothes Dishes Trash