Accreditation Process
Site Visit
*COA Random*

Application & Agreement, Intake, Self-Study, Site Visit, Pre-Commission Review, Accreditation Decision. 

What are the stages/phases of the COA Accreditation Process? 


Documentation submitted prior to the Site Visit to demonstrate implementation of the standard. 

What is Self-Study Evidence?


This standard section requires an emergency preparedness plan to be developed.

What is Administrative and Service Environment?


The length of time before COA accreditation expires. 

What is 4 years?


The initial call with COA to assign service standards and an accreditation timeline.

What is the Intake Call?


The organization works with the Team Leader to prepare this tool. 

What is the site visit agenda? 


Staff can identify the major elements that should be contained in a case record in this standard section.  

What is Program Administration (PRG)?


Rather than accredit individual services, COA uses this accreditation approach.   

What is organization-wide accreditation?


Phase in which organizations conduct a self-assessment, create teams to manage work, and update policies and procedures. 

What is the Self-Study Phase?


Qualifications for this role include: affiliation with a COA accredited organization, a graduate degree in a human service discipline or have service management experience, at least 5 years of continuing management experience, and expertise in at least 5 COA service areas. 

What are COA Peer Reviewers?


This service standard is the most assigned across private organizations.

What is Mental Health and/or Substance Use Services? 


The COA staff specifically assigned (at intake) to your organization as a single point of contact to provide ongoing support throughout the accreditation process. 

What is the Accreditation Coordinator? 


The stage of the process that may includes a record review, entrance meeting, tour of facilities, and interviews with staff. 

What is the Site Visit Phase?


These files must be labeled/organized by program, service standard, and open/closed status. If this documentation is maintained electronically, a brief tutorial can be provided to the Review Team on how to navigate the system.

What are client case records?


The responsibilities of the executive director or CEO of the organization can be found in this standard section. 

What is the Governance standards?


In-depth self-evaluation, strengthening of organizational infrastructure, adoption of known best practices, and external validation of an organization’s practices are all this.

What are benefits of COA accreditation?


These documents are uploaded during this phase: Strategic/Annual Planning Procedures; Review of Service Population Demographics; Assessment of Strengths & Weaknesses; Long-term Strategic Plan; Performance & Quality Improvement Plan; Risk Management Quarterly Review Procedures; Risk Management Critical Incident Procedure; and Behavior Support & Management Policy.

What is the Self Study Phase? 

BONUS: Specify Preliminary Self-Study.


Documentation demonstrating implementation of a standard that is provided during the Site Visit. 

What is On-Site Evidence?


This standard section requires an audit to be completed.

What is Financial Management?


The advocacy organizations that founded COA in 1977. 

What is the Child Welfare League of America and Family Service America (now known as the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities)?
