Age of Reason
French Revolution
British Revolutions
French Revolution Again
More French Revolution
ideas used in the American Declaration of Independence that included natural rights and the right of people to overthrow their government if government is not working to protect their rights
Who is John Locke
Pr-Revolutionary France was divided into three social groups called…
What were estates
Name of the non-violent revolution that resulted in England becoming a Constitutional Monarchy
What is the Glorious Revolution
This young general, saved the Directory by putting down the rebellion in Paris. He later overthrew French Directory in 1799 and crowned himself emperor of France in 1804. Failed to defeat Great Britain, and his failure to invade Russia lead to his abdication in 1814. Returned to power briefly in 1815 but was defeated and died in exile.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?
known as the "mastermind" of the Congress of Vienna
Who was Metternich
Once stated "I may not agree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it"
Who is Voltaire
Site of Napoleon's final defeat
Where is Waterloo
Puritan leader in England who helped to abolish the monarchy in 1649 and run England as a military dictator
Who is Oliver Cromwell
A Jacobin, and the dictatorial leader of the Committee of Public Safety, he was eventually killed on his very own national razer on July 28, 1794
2 Reasons Napoleon failed to conquer Russia.
Scorched Earth Policy Russian Winter
Authored the Declaration of Independence. Natural Rights are "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
the storming of this building is still a symbol of the fighting during the first phase of the French Revolution
What was the Bastille
the belief that the authority of kings comes directly from God
What is Divine Right?
The laboring poor of Paris, so called because the men wore trousers instead of the knee breaches of the aristocracy and middle class; the word came to refer to the militant radicals of the city.
Who were the Sans-Culottes?
This group paid the majority of the taxes in per-revolutionary France
Who was the Third Estate
This way of solving problems was first used during the Scientific Revolution and later applied issues in society, economics, and government.
What is the Scientific Method?
the name of the phase of the French Revolution when the Jacobins ruthlessly rushed their enemies
What was the Reign of Terror
A monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are limited by a constitution, and in England's case, a Parliament. In some cases the monarch serves as a figurehead while the Parliament holds all the real power.
What is a Constitutional Monarchy?
This document was written in 1789 by the National Assembly to provide the protection of natural rights to French citizens
What is the French Declaration of the Rights of Man
The comfortable members of the third estate, or the middle class.
What was the bourgeoisie
give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation. give (someone) spiritual knowledge or insight.
What is the definition of Enlighten?
This group was used by Robespierre to root out counter-revolutionaries
What was The Committee of Public Safety
England's legislative body.
What is Parliament?
A blockade imposed by Napoleon to halt all trade between continental Europe and Britain, thereby weakening the British economy and military
What is the Continental System?
List the Estates, who made up each estate, and the percentage of the population each estate represented.
1st-Clergy 1% 2nd- Nobles 2% 3rd- Everybody else 97%