Neither side wins in a conflict.
Who was killed, that sparked WWI?
Arch Duke Fraz Ferdinand
Who was the president that came up with the league of nations?
Woodrow Wilson
Why was WWI more destructive than previous wars?
New advancements in technology
What is a U-Boat
German Submarine
End of Fighting
What are Defense Agreements?
These agreements said that if one country was attacked or had war declared on them, another country would come and help them.
What changed in America when the United States joined WWI (At Home)
Women joined the workforce.
Name the central powers
Germany, The Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary.
Money given to a group of people that have been treated wrongly.
What was propaganda used for?
To control public opinion.
What is Nationalism?
which is a feeling that your country is the best, along with the desire to prove this to everyone else.
Explain the Zimmerman Telegram
It was a telegram sent from Germany to Mexico. It stated that Mexico could regain their lost land if the joined Germany in the war.
What Treaty ended WWI
Deadly pandemic in 1918
Final set of demands
What is imperialism?
a belief that a country should extend their power and influence through diplomacy or force
What was the Lusitania
It was a British passenger ship.
Name three new technologies of WWI
Machine guns, Tanks, Poison Gas, Airplanes, artillery, zeppelins, or U-boats.
Area of land between the trenches.
No-Mans Land
What is militarism?
is the belief that a country should build and keep a strong military (army, navy, etc.).
How many American's died on the Lusitania
Who killed Franz Ferdinand?
Gavrilo Princip
A system used to protect merchant ships by surrounding them with battle ships.