innovative technologies and practices to enhance design and production
Advanced Manufacturing
Certificate and associates degree
Two-year college
What is the only number that has the same number of letters as its value in English?
4, four
How old was King Tutankhamun when he died?
In The Incredibles, what superpower does Violet have?
involves skills and occupations that are essential across all industries, focusing on business administration, operations optimization, strategic planning, workforce management
Management & Entrepreneurship
Undergraduate programs only
How many sides does a dodecagon have?
Who was the first Emperor of Rome?
In The Matrix, what color pill does Neo take?
spans careers in traditional and renewable fuel production, power generation and energy conversion, utilities, environmental preservation, ecological research, and resource extraction.
Energy & Natural Resources
Undergraduate and Graduate programs
What is the next number in the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8…?
13 (Fibonacci sequence)
What was the name of the ancient trade route that connected the East with the West?
The Silk Road
What band released the song “Believer” in 2017?
Imagine Dragons
artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics, and cybersecurity.
Digital Technology
Service and leadership
Military college
What was the number 0 originally called?
What is the name of the whistleblower who leaked classified information from the National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013?
Edward Snowden
"Goose," "Jester," "Hollywood," and "Wolfman" are nicknames of some flying military bros in what 1986 movie?
Top Gun
coordination, and management of goods from production to consumption
Supply Chain & Transportation
Business oriented
What is the name given to a straight line touching a circle?
A tangent
What year was Nelson Mandela freed from prison?
Who founded Motown Records?
Berry Gordy