How do you spell Ribal's last name?
What is Ian's current degree and what is his next degree?
History; Education
What artist has been #1 on Caitlyn's Spotify Wrapped since 2015?
Taylor Swift
What is Nadine's favourite coffee order?
A black Americano
How many cars has Ribal totalled?
What tattoo does Ian have?
The Golden Ears mountains
Hold old is Caitlyn's spirit (not her physical age)?
How many horses does Nadine have?
Who is Ribal's all-time favourite musical artist/band?
Who is Ian's all-time favourite musical artist/band?
What is Caitlyn's go-to fast food meal after practice?
What are Nadine's two favourite genres of music?
Country and Classical
What instrument(s) does Ribal know how to play?
Guitar, Piano, and Harmonica
How many albums has Ian listened to since the new year? (Closest answer wins)
What would Caitlyn have named her dog Poppy if she hadn't been bullied out of it by 40 of her closest friends?
What sport did Nadine play as a junior athlete?
What was Ribal's first job?
How do you easily kill Ian?
What tattoo does Caitlyn have on her inner right ankle? (Not the "yes" tattoo)
A man with heart balloons
Is Nadine having a baby boy or a baby girl?
A baby girl!