When seen in music, I gradually get louder.
What is crescendo?
And the snow comes down, floating to the ground. And without a sound, the world turns white.
What is "Sweet Silent Night"?
The Italian name for medium soft.
What is mezzo piano (medium soft)?
"____ ____ _____" why art thou lying in the shadows of this dark hour?
What is "Ah Poor Bird".
The words forte and piano are Italian for these dynamic markings .
What is loud and soft?
Name each line of the staff.
What is EGBDF?
Stretch your arms, and spread your leaves.
What is "Grow, Little Tree"?
The dynamic marking fortissimo.
What is ff?
Name each space of the staff.
What is FACE?
Tunakutakia, furahakilasiku
What is "Furaha"?
This dynamic marking means to gradually get softer.
What is decrescendo?
Name the clef at the beginning of the staff
What is treble clef?
Sharps and flats at the beginning of each staff of written music
What is key signature?
The rain which fell from passing showers like drops of dew, still lies.
What is "Murasame"?
The dynamic marking for pianissimo
what is very soft - pp
This note has 4 sounds and equals one beat
what is a sixteenth note
The key signature has one flat
what is the key of F
The top number tells how many beats per measure
what is time signature
With my breath so keen and chilling I have stripped the branches bare.
What is "Winter"
The Italian name for medium loud
What is mezzo forte
I look like a hat on the staff
What is a half rest
This key signature has one sharp
what is the key of G
Indicates the end of the piece of music
What is a double barline
There's A Star in the East on Christmas morn.
What is "The Shepherd's Spiritual"?
Place the dynamics in order from Loudest to Softest. Use the letter symbols.
medium loud, soft, very loud, medium soft, loud, very soft
What is ff, f, mf, mp, p, pp
Place the following notes in order from LONGEST to SHORTEST.
Quarter, Half Note, Eighth Note, Whole Note
What is Whole Note, Half Note, Quarter Note, Eighth Note?
Writing these pitches on the staff, place the solfege in order from HIGHEST to LOWEST?
mi, sol, la, fa
What is la, sol, fa, mi?
The space between two barlines.
What is a measure?
In everything there is beauty; a hint of love, a form of grace.
What is "The Song that Nature Sings"?