What organization inspired AA's ideals and methods?
Which step is this? "We made a searching a fearless moral inventory of ourselves."
What is step four.
Who wrote the Doctor's Opinion?
Who was Dr. Bob Silkworth.
Why is Hazelden sometimes called "Mazelden"
What is the 12 and 12?
What is the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of AA.
When was AA founded?
When was 1935?
What is step 9?
What is: "We made direct amends to such people whenever possible, execpt when to do so would injure them or others."
Who is the Doctor refering to when he descibes the "American Businessman of good earning capacity"
Who is Bill Wilson
When was Hazelden established?
When was 1949?
Finish the quote: "Our primary purpose is to stay sober and ..."
...Help other alchololics to achieve soberity."
The beginning of the Big Book has not changed since 1939. How many pages does it consist of?
What is 164 pages?
Which step is this: "We made a decision to turn our will over to the care of God as we understood him."
What is step 3?
Fill in the blanks: "We suffer from a mental ____ and a physical ____."
What is Obession and Cravings.
Who was the first group/population of people that Hazelden helped find recovery?
Who were Catholic Priests?
What is the difference between a closed and open AA meeting?
Closed: only those in recovery attend. Open: anyone can attend.
Where was AA founded?
Where was Akron, Ohio
What is step 8?
What is: "We made a list of all persons we have harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all."
Double Jeopardy! 800 Points! What is the NUMBER ONE offender? It destroys more alcholics than anything else?
What is resentments?
Who is Igniata/Why is MSU named after her?
What does it mean to "Page a friend of Bill W's"
At an Airport you can ask a gate agent to page a friend of Bill W's and that is a signal to anyone in recovery to come to your gate for a chat or meeting.
Double Jeopardy! 1000 Points! How did the Serenity Prayer come into play with the 12 step program?
A member named Jack saw it on an obituary and brought it to Bill W. Bill decided to use it going forward to end all meetings.
What is step 7?
What is: "We humbly ask God to remove our shortcomings."
Who was the famous Psychologist who worked with Bill Wilson?
Who was Carl Jung
What are the 8 states that Hazelden has physical locations for?
California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, Oregon and Washington.
How many times is the word "change" in the serenity prayer?
What is twice?