Scenario 1
Scenario 2

Where can a ppt locate login information?

Ppt can locate it on their initial COBRA enrollment form, or by contacting us.


What is COBRA?

COBRA is a health insurance program that allows eligible employees and their dependents to continue benefits of health insurance coverage when an employee loses their job or experiences a reduction of work hours.


Can a ppt remove benefits while on COBRA?

Yes, a ppt can remove an entire benefit while on COBRA at any time.

They are not able to remove an individual from the plan without a QLE or AE.


Ppt called in and wants to enroll over the phone for COBRA. Can we take the election?

We cannot take elections over the phone. We can assist on navigating them through the login and enrollment process. They can complete the enrollment online, or by emailing/faxing/mailing the forms to us.


Ppt called in and stated they never got the paperwork. Where can you locate the COBRA forms?

Go to ppt’s account in WEX COBRAPoint. Go to the communication tab and you will see the COBRA forms. You may email or mail the forms to the ppt. You may also assist with how to register/log in to complete the enrollment online.


What does the ppt need to have to register?

Ppt will need: Registration Code and Email address.


How long is COBRA offered for if a ppt loses their job?

COBRA is for 18 months.


What is needed to term COBRA?

We would need a written request with the following:

•First and Last name


•Contact Phone Number

•First and Last name of any/all dependents who will be terming

•Termination date

•All benefits you will be terming

The ppt can also request the termination online on their COBRAPoint account.


It is July 1st and the COBRA payment is due. Ppt calls in and wants to make a payment over the phone. Can we take the payment?

We cannot take any payments over the phone. We can direct the ppt to mail the payment with the post mark date of 7/1 or log in and make a one-time payment.


Ppt calls in and wants to provide the ACH over the phone to add to their account. Can we do this?

No. We cannot take ACH information over the phone.

Ppt can log in and input that information or complete the ACH form and submit it with a voided check.


Once the ppt creates a username and password, what is the next step in the registration process?

Ppt needs to wait for the email verification. Once the email is received they need to click on verify to complete their registration.


Can COBRA be extended past 18 months?

Yes, if they have been deemed disabled.

The ppt would be required to send us their SS Award Letter.

The Qualified Beneficiary must be determined by the Social Security Administration to have been disabled during the first 60 days of COBRA. This includes any time period prior to the date that the individual is no longer covered under the group health plan.


Can a ppt who is offered COBRA enroll only their spouse and/or their child?

Yes, ppt can enroll just their spouse and/or their child. Every individual has the right to COBRA.


Ppt is Medicare eligible. What happens to the benefits?

Check the TipSheet to confirm the Medicare Process.

This is typically found under the COBRA tab-Medicare Entitlement subtab.


Ppt calls in and wants to confirm when the ppt should expect the ACH withdrawal. When will that happen?

We pull ACH the last day of the month for the next month. The ppt will show the ACH on the 1st of the month.

Example: Payment that is due 7/1 will be pulled on 6/30. Ppt will see the pull on 7/1.


Once the ppt has registered, can the ppt change the username on file?

Ppt will not be able to change the username after it has been created.


Can a ppt add a dependent to COBRA, even though the dependent was not on their active benefits?

They can only add them during a life event or AE.


Can a ppt just enroll for Medical and not dental or vision?

While on COBRA, the ppt can enroll in any plan they were offered. They do not need to enroll in every plan that COBRA offers.


How long is COBRA offered for if the qualifying event is becoming an ineligible dependent, divorce or death?

If someone becomes ineligible due to age, divorce or death, they are entitled to 36 months total.


Ppt called in and stated that he had spoken to someone about an escalation. Where would you locate this information?

You can see this under Notes in WEX COBRAPoint, and in User Contact in MBE.


Are you able to view the member portal?

Only when the ppt has completed their registration.


What is the timing for COBRA?

The employer has 30 days to notify us from the time the ppt loses coverage.

We have 14 days to generate the COBRA packet and mail it out.

Ppt then has 60 days to enroll in benefits.

From the time the ppt enrolls into COBRA, they have 45 days to make the initial payment, then 30 days for all other months.

Carriers take 7-10 business days to update coverage


How long is the Social Security Disability extension?

It is an 11-month extension. However, the plan rate could increase significantly.


Ppt calls in and states they are showing inactive with the carriers. Why would this be?

Confirm that they have enrolled.

When did they enroll?

When was the payment processed?

If all have been completed and it has been 7-10 business days, escalate.


Name three qualifying events that could cause a loss of coverage and COBRA to be offered for.

Termination of employment

Reduction in work hours

Becoming an ineligible dependent


