the coco's year in college.
what are 2nd years?
1st, 2nd, and 3rd duty of the coco's in the constitution.
what is,
the first accomplishment of the cocos during fall semester.
What is,
created awareness with members about Filipino/Filipinx and Filipino American//Filipinx-American culture and heritage through skits and other creative means at least bi-weekly
FAHM Cultural Reports
CAP Board Reports?
the biggest thing we have planned for spring
the first goal for justin
what is taking more time for himself?
this is where the cocos originate.
where is murrieta and santee?
4th duty of the coco's in the constitution.
What is supplements AB Samahan’s Cultural Resources to the general body?
the second accomplishment of the cocos during fall semester?
What is,
Coordinates all aspects of Filipino-American Culture Night
selected our FACN 40 Board
the second thing we have planned for spring
What is,
Continuing allowing our CAP Board to thrive as a resource for our general body, allowing them to continuing writing reports for GBMS about the topics they are passionate about?
the first goal for jansen
what is be more present for others?
the cocos majors.
what is musical theatre and public health?
5th duty of the coco's in the constitution.
What is will work in conjunction to provide historical information and significance about cultural dances?
what is the third accomplishment of the cocos during fall semester?
What is,
Oversees a cultural auxiliary board?
the third thing we are helping plan for spring.
what is fcc preview night? (please dont ask us questions the gc has not been very proactive about scheduling anything.)
the second goal for justin
what is creating a healthier lifestyle?
this is the ammount of legs that one of justins dogs have.
what is three legs?
6th duty of the coco's in the constitution.
What is,
the date for facn 40
what is april 18th, 2025?
the second goal for jansen
what is asking for help more often?
this is jansens favorite animal.
7th duty of the coco's in the constitution.
Whta is oversees a cultural auxiliary board?
the thing the cocos are looking forward to the most?
what is retiring?
this is the biggest goal that both of the cocos are hoping to complete this semester.
what is putting on the greastest facn ever seen?