When the Israelites were at war with the Amalekites, These two characters were responsible for holding up Moses' hand when he became tired
Aaron and Hur (Exodus 17:12)
The place where Cain dwelt after he killed his brother
Nod (Genesis 4:8)
Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18:16-46, )
The five books of Moses are also known as the
The Torah, the law or book of Moses and the Pentateuch
Who was Paul's first missionary companion?
Barnabas (Acts 13:4-14:28)
One of the twelve spies sent out by Moses into Canaan, he was commended by God for his faithfulness.
Caleb (numbers 13)
The name of this place has become a byword for corruption and confusion in Biblical prophecy
Babylon (Revelation 17:5)
Abraham was to build an altar and sacrifice his only son on this mountain
Mount Moriah (Gen. 22:4)
The title given to this book means second or repeated law. Thus, one characteristic of this book is a retelling of instructions, narratives and commands from Jehovah.
This is the first Christian church established in Europe and the first church to be planted by the apostle Paul
Phillipi (Acts 16:14)
This woman is described as the wife of Chuza and as Herod's steward. She is one of the women whom Jesus healed and who provided for him during his travels.
Joanna (Luke 8:2-3)
Name three places in the New Testament with the prefix Beth
Bethel (House of God)
Bethlehem (House of Bread)
Bethany (House of Affliction)
The place where the Ark landed after the great flood
The mountains of Ararat (Genesis 8:4)
The Torah altogether contains ______ laws
a. 10
b. 365
c. 613
d. exactly 1000
c. 613
This husband and wife team had a very close relationship with Paul, travelled with him as missionaries and shared the same profession in tentmaking
Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18:2)
Identify Three Mary's who were part of the Jesus Narrative
Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:2-3)
Mary the mother of James (Mark 16:1)
Mary the wife of Clopas (Luke 19:25)
This region meaning a confederation of 10 cities situated near the sea of Galilee was known as one of the places where Jesus ministered and healed people.
Decapolis (Matthew 4:25)
The place where Moses climbed to view the promised land, and also the place where he died
Mt. Nebo (Deuteronomy 32)
Name the three classifications of Laws in the Torah
Civil laws
Ceremonial laws
Moral Laws (ten commandments)
Paul, Silas and Timothy were prevented from going to preach the Gospel in the provinces of Asia, but instead through a vision in the night received an invitation to preach in this place
Macedonia (Acts 16:9)
When Peter escaped Herod's prison, he went to the house of Mary the mother of _______ _________, where many people had gathered and were praying.
John Mark(Acts 12:12)
Fearful that the hills would not afford them sufficient protection from the impending destruction, Lot instead asked the angels if he and his might hide in the safety of a neighboring village. What was the name of the village after this episode?
Zoar (Genesis 19:23)
Deborah the prophetess commands Barak to go up this mountain with the men from the tribes of Naphtali and Zebulun. Christian tradition also has it, this is the mount of transfiguration
Mount Tabor (Judges 4:6)
Why is the fourth book of the Torah so designated with its title- Numbers
Its first four chapters records a census or numbering of the tribes of Israel
How many missionary journeys did Paul conduct during his ministry
Over the course of 13 years, Paul embarked on three missionary journeys, during which he traveled more than 7,000 miles and planted at least 14 new churches.