while doing a ritual, what are the name of the things that attack you in shadows of evil
who controls the blue eye zombies
what map added the raygun mark 2
what map has a useable rollercoaster
zombies in space land
how do you get extra perks in origins
dig with golden shovel
during the bow map, after the easter egg is complete you basically erase the events from what map
what game introduces the double pack a punch
black ops 2
what is the gun from the giant called that you get from easter egg
the anihalator
what game do the perks have labels on them
black ops 2
what map can you look with a sniper to get a jump scare
shadows, origins
what is the name of the guy they want to kill in mob of the dead
what staff is best for panzers
fire staff
what is the name of the pack a punched raygun
porters x2 ray gun
what game gave you a step by step guide for the easter egg
how do you get free points in shadows of evil
throw the gernade
what is the females name in Black ops 2
what wonder weapon gun is on transit
in black ops 3, what gun is only in gorod krovi that isn't the raygun mark 3
first zombies that you could fly/hover
advanced warfare
whats the best thing you can get from special tram
ray gun
what maps leads to the events of black ops 2
final map you can play with the main crew
what weapon was in black ops 1 not 2 but then in 3
what game did you fight aliens
cod ghost
first map to have helmets