What perk was introduced on Mob of the Dead?
Electric Cherry
What is the opening line to "Der Riese - A Revolution"
On the 6th of August..
Which perk is unobtainable on Die Rise, despite having a perk machine on the map?
PhD Flopper
Deadshot Daiquiri was introduced on what map?
Call of the Dead
What is the only way to receive the Time Bomb?
The Mystery Box
Nuketown Zombies takes place in which state?
How many videos are in Tim's map analysis series?
What does the Who's Who perk machine have wrapped around it?
A life preserver.
Name the four original perks in order of least to most expensive.
Quick Revive (500/1500) , Double Tap Root Beer (2000) , Juggernog (2500) , Speed Cola (3000)
How many wonder weapons are available on Mob of the Dead?
Three, The Hell's Retriever, Blundergat, and the Golden Spork.
What is the makeshift plane in Mob of the Dead called?
2 of the map analysis videos have substantially more views than the rest, which ones are they?
Verruckt - The Scariest Zombies Map (1.5 Million) and Tranzit SHOULD'VE Been The Best Zombies Map (2.1 Million)
What are the Jumping Jacks referred to in the game files?
What is Richtofen's favorite perk?
Speed Cola
The Wind Staff on Origins stops one shotting zombies on what round?
Round 23
What is the most expensive single purchase you can make in BO2?
Which map analysis video has the least amount of views?
IX - An Unexpected Gem
Explain in detail the way the Sliquifier deals damage. The closer you are to the answer, the more points you'll receive.
After killing a zombie with the initial projectile, the explosion caused by the death of the first zombie will cause a chain reaction to all living zombies near it.
As stated on the side of the machine, how much money (not points) is Quick Revive worth?
10 cents
What are the three components needed to craft the Apothicon Servant called?
Margwa Heart, Margwa Tentacle, Xenomatter.
What song was planned as the musical easter egg for Tranzit before being scrapped and replaced?
"Try It Out" by Skrillex
Recite every map analysis title from Nacht to Tag Der Toten for 1500 points. (50 per title)
If you didn't mention Dead Ops Arcade you get ZERO POINTS
How much damage does one projectile from the Sliquifier do? Not counting the splash damage.
Which map had 4 new perks planned to appear in it, although 2 got scrapped during development?
Ascension. Stamin-Up and PhD Flopper were added, but Tufbrew and Pronaide were scrapped during development.
What is the exact name of the Shrink Ray from Shangri-La?
The 31-79 JGb215, or The Fractalizer when pack-a-punched. Either answer will count.