Shooting a fuse box outside the map with a Pack-a-Punched weapon initiates this WaW Easter Egg.
Fly Trap
Alpha Omega takes place at Camp Edward, a facility belonging to this group who Russman was a member of.
Broken Arrow
What was the first perk machine missing from a newly introduced map?
Double Tap
This map is a prime spot for "Jasoning" someone upgrading their weapon, with plenty of grenades to buy conveniently off the wall.
Kino Der Toten
This is the first map where the "Main Quest" Easter Egg gives the player an achievement
Call of the Dead
"The Great War", taking place in Medieval times, was a war between humanity and this group.
The Apothicans
This was the first map to have an exclusive Pack-a-Punch weapon camo.
Mob of the Dead
Mauser C96
This term was phrased after a certain player would strategically spend their points on wall weapons to avoid buying doors in the early rounds of a given game.
Pulling a Dean
You can fight skeletons instead of zombies after doing a hidden Easter Egg on this map.
Der Eisendrache
This ancient book contains information regarding the universes and dimensions, which Victis is tasked to find by Primis Richtofen.
The Kronorium
Until the introduction of melee weapons like the Bowie Knife and Galvaknuckles, Verruckt had this wall weapon, the most expensive wall weapon you could purchase at the time.
Athena's Spear
This term described a player who would get a wonder weapon out of the Mystery Box and refrain from letting the other player know for as long as possible.
Pulling a Decatur
A special version of Mule Kick, letting you carry 4 weapons at once, can be acquired after fully completing the Easter Egg on this map.
Who were the explorers at Shangri-La?
Brock and Gary
This was the first map to include something the player could interact with that could send them to a different part of the map.
Shi No Numa
Typhoid and Mary
"Pulling a Devin", or starting the hidden song on an early round originated on this map.
Call of the Dead
Shooting a particular picture frame on this map grants the player a permanent black & white screen filter for the remainder of the game.
Shadows of Evil
This character, who makes an appearance on Tag Der Toten, was one of the first initial test subjects captured by Group 935 alongside Takeo and Nikolai.
Pablo Marinus
This was the last map to have a PhD Flopper machine you could actually buy the perk from.
Cell Block
The term "Who got the nuke?" originated on this map.
Shadows of Evil