Finding your likes, hobbies, interests, emotional safeties, goals, are identifying your what in a relationship?
The feeling that thrives on silence and isolation
Idealized, superficial self, having a defensive façade, feeling empty, confused belief system is what type of self
False Self
Water, food, shelter, warmth are what type of needs?
You love to be close to your partner however far your partner does not want to be close to you, is what type of attachment?
If you fear conflict, avoid conflict, and secretly control behaviors you are being what in a relationship?
Communicating needs and engaging in a disagreement based on fear is called what?
When you experience restlessness, muscle tension, fatigue easily in relationships are identified as what feeling?
Self-worth, accomplishment, respect of self and others, authenticity, are what type of needs?
You want to be close to others however feel uncomfortable with so much closeness, is what type of attachment?
Setting achievable steps to grow in your relationship are called what
Communicating needs, engaging in a disagreement in a healthy manner is called what?
Real, authentic original, strong belief system is what type of self?
True Self
Free from danger, financial security, employment, health and wellness, are what type of needs?
Safety and Security
When someone makes you feel as though your reality is not true or that your perception is skewed, is what type of behavior?
______ is when you are mutually dependent on one another
Finding your own happy, being your own person, responding instead of reacting in a relationship is what?
Loving detachment
When in your false self and experience shame, low self esteem, fear you are unable to perform in relationships, are also identified as what feeling?
Feelings of Inadequacy/Inadequate
Family, friends, sense of belonging and acceptance, are what types of needs?
Having a strong ____ of control helps you feel in control of you and your relationships?
__________ is an unhealthy dependence on each other in relationships
Identifying yourself as bad/broken, negative affirmations, talking down on yourself, are types of what?
Uncovering your feelings, honoring them, confronting your shame, and practicing being authentic are steps to what?
Letting go of/Giving up False Self
Sense of person, growth, solution focused, motivation, are what type of need?
_____ in relationships reinforces healthy self esteem, individuality, emotional safety.