When install in a raceway conductor size ____ and smaller can be solid?
Code Reference (Indirect):
10 AWG
Article 240 Part VI covers?
Cartridge Fuses and Fuseholders
The NEC requires the grounded conductor to be identified using this color.
Code Reference:
White or Gray continuous outer finish
What article covers switches
Article 404
Floor outlets that are 24" or closer to the wall are counted as a required outlet when doing calculations per wall space requirements? True or False?
Code Reference:
210.52(A) (
What article covers over current protections.
Article 240
How do you identify a grounded conductor?
Code Reference:
White or Gray outer finish.
A multiwire branch circuit must have this in the panelboard to ensure simultaneous disconnection of all ungrounded conductors.
Common trip breaker or handle tie
(2 or 3 pole breaker).
What article covers grounding and Bonding
Article 250.
A wall measuring 3' will require an outlet? True or False?
Code Reference?
Which dwelling unit areas is not included in the general provisions of NEC 210.52(A) where 125-volt, 15- and 20-ampere receptacles are required to be located?
A. Sunroom
B. Living Room
C. Closet
D. Rec Room
How do you identify a branch circuit supplied from Direct-Current System with positive polarity?
Code reference:
Continuous red outer finish.
Max load permitted on a 15A Circuit for cord and plug connected equipment not fastened in place?
Code Reference:
Pertaining to kitchens countertops, no point on the wall line can be more than ____inches from an outlet. In other word you need to have an outlet ever ___ feet.
Code Reference:
24" and 4'
Voltage between conductors for Lighting in guest rooms or guest suites of hotels, motels, and similar occupancies is permitted to be 277v? True/False
Code Reference:
False (120 V)
NEC 240.4 requires overcurrent protection to be sized according to this characteristic of a conductor.
Flush-type general-use snap switches mounted in boxes that are flush with the finished surface or project from it shall be installed so that the mounting yoke or strap of the device is seated against the _____?
Code Reference:
Receptacles installed in damp or wet locations have to be listed ________
Code Reference:
WR- Weather Resistant 406.9(A) 406.9(B)
A hallway in a dwelling unit that is 9'11", will require at least 1 receptacle? True or False?
Code Reference:
At least one lighting outlet controlled by a listed _______ device shall be installed in every habitable room, kitchen, and bathroom. The __________ device shall be located near an entrance to the room on a wall. But for other than kitchen and bathrooms, one or more receptacles controlled by a listed ________ device shall be permitted in lieu of lighting outlets.
Code Reference:
wall-mounted control (X3)
210.70(A)(1) Exception No. 1
Receptacles shall be listed and marked with the _____ or identification and voltage and ampere ratings.
Manufacturer’s name
A 3 phase 4 wire 277/480 v system is installed in a gas pumping station. How do you identify the ungrounded conductors?
Code Reference:
Per 210.5(C)(1)(a)
There is no code requirement for specific colors.
B.O.Y and BK.R.BL are industry standards no code requirement.
For a single-family dwelling unit, a single receptacle outlet is required to be installed in what locations (3 required)?
Code References: (3 total)
210.52 (E) (F) (G)
Circuits more than _____, nominal, to ground and not more than ______ , nominal, between conductors shall be permitted to supply the auxiliary equipment of electric-discharge lamps mounted in permanently installed luminaires where the luminaires are mounted not less than a height of 22 feet on poles or similar structures for the illumination of outdoor areas such as highways, roads, bridges, athletic fields, or parking lots.
Code Reference:
277 V / 1,000 V