What does mkdir stand for?
Make directory
What are the two ways a get repo can be created?
git init and git clone
What is the file where we write our markdown called?
Java is a case sensitive language? True or False?
This is an : int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4}
What is an array?
Do spaces matter in the command line? True or false?
Git manges files within a ______?
Repository - Repo
To copy someone else's Github code and make our own.
What is forking?
Java is a _______ programming language
What is class-based?
A programming model that organizes software design around data, or objects, rather than functions and logic.
What is Object-oriented programming (OOP)?
What command do we use to move a file to another destination?
What is a version control system?
It is a tool to keep track of changes made to a piece of software over time.
Must do this before push changes to git.
What is a commit?
What is int?
What are the fundamental items in object-oriented programming?
What does GUI stand for and when doesn't need to be checked?
Graphical User Interface, when results of the command can be seen in the command line.
What is git add . user for? And is also know as what?
What is adding files and adding changes. What is staging.
Command that creates a new upstream branch in the remote repository on git push
what is -u (git push -u origin branch-name)?
The six relational operators.
equal to
not equal to
lower than
lower or equal to
higher than
higher or equal to
In Java, they are called fields, but are sometimes also referred to as data members.
What are attributes?
A person’s attributes include:
their first name,
their last name,
their age, and so on.
Every command is made of 3 elements. What are they?
command, option and argument (directory being created)
What are the four state every file in a repo can be in?
untracked, modified, unmodified and staged
A proposal to merge a set of changes from one branch into another
List the 4 scopes of a Java variable ...
what is instance, local, class, parameter
Java, constructors can never be...
final, static or abstract