The sensei who has had their hair every colour of the rainbow.
Who is Sensei Rachel?
The block that creates a sprite.
What is "set sprite to"?
The largest land mammal.
What is an elephant?
The block used to make the map.
What is tilemap?
The number of belts at Code Ninjas.
What is 9?
This sensei is currently on vacation.
Who is Sensei Jade?
The category used to make sprites animated.
The first person to walk on the moon.
Who is Neil Armstrong?
The two loops blocks in the Loop category.
What are "for loop" and "repeat loop"?
The most expensive LABELLED 3D Print Shop tier.
This sensei really likes Sonic the Hedgehog.
Who is Sensei Aidan?
The two sprite names in the "overlap" block.
What are "sprite" and "otherSprite"?
The oldest age someone lived until.
What is 122?
The topmost Impact category.
What is Sprites?
The program Code Ninjas Jrs code on.
What is Scratch Jr?
This sensei has two phones.
Who is Sensei Farhan?
This is the amount of levels in Yellow Belt.
What is 10?
The official name for the front end of a ship.
What is the bow?
The Impact category 4th from the top.
What is Music?
The number of Peppa Pig's in the room.
What is 2?
This sensei constantly misplaces their phone.
Who is Sensei Natalie?
The default Sprite Kinds.
What are Player, Enemy, Food, Projectile?
The full legal name of Tails The Hedgehog.
Who is Miles "Tails" Prower?
The number representing the first element in an array.
What is 1?
The formal name for the Impact program.
What is MakeCode Arcade?