What does CPR stand for?
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
What is the first action to take in controlling external bleeding?
Apply direct pressure
What is the first step in treating shock?
Lay the person down and elevate their legs
How do you treat a sprain?
Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE)
What is the first thing you should do for a minor burn?
Cool the burn with running cold water for at least 10 minutes
What should you do if someone is choking and can still speak?
Encourage them to cough to clear the obstruction
What should you do if someone is showing signs of mild hypothermia?
Move the person to a warm environment and give them warm drinks
What is the first thing you should do if someone has ingested poison?
Call Poison Control or emergency services immediately (1-800-222-1222 ), or (911)
What are signs of a concussion?
Dizziness, confusion, and loss of balance
What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in one cycle of adult CPR?
30 compressions and 2 breaths
When should you apply a tourniquet to control bleeding?
If the bleeding is life-threatening and cannot be controlled with direct pressure
What is the best way to keep a person with shock warm?
Cover them with blankets or warm clothing
What is the first thing you should do when you suspect a fracture?
Immobilize the area using a splint to prevent further injury
What should you apply to a second-degree burn?
Cover it with a sterile, non-stick bandage or dressing
What maneuver should you perform if someone is choking and cannot breathe?
Perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver)
How should you treat frostbite on the hands or feet?
Warm the affected area gradually with warm (not hot) water
What is the proper first aid for a suspected opioid overdose?
Narcan (Naloxone), nasal spray should be administered
What is the proper treatment for a minor concussion?
Take a break. The brain needs time to recover. Patients should be monitored to ensure that the condition does not worsen. Avoid bright lights and loud noises for at least two days
What is the recommended compression depth for adult CPR?
5–6 cm (2–2.4 inches)
How can you tell the difference between arterial and venous bleeding?
Arterial bleeding spurts, venous bleeding flows steadily
What is the immediate treatment for someone experiencing anaphylactic shock?
Administer epinephrine immediately via an EpiPen and call for emergency help
How do you treat a suspected spinal fracture?
Keep the person still and stabilize their neck and back, using a collar or backboard, until medical help arrives
How should you treat a third-degree burn?
Do not remove burned clothing, cover the area with a sterile dressing, and seek emergency medical help
What should you do if an infant is choking?
Give 5 back blows followed by 5 chest thrusts
What is a normal core temperature and what core temperature is a sign of hypothermia?
Normal core temperature is 98.6°F. Hypothermia is imminent at a core temperature of 95°F or below
How should you treat someone who has ingested a non-corrosive poison?
Call 911, ID substance, monitor patient, place in recovery position if needed
What is the main cause of muscle cramps?
Dehydration, it causes an electrolyte imbalance
After turning on an AED, what is the first step?
Attach the pads to the person's dry, bare chest
What is the proper technique for applying a tourniquet?
Apply it 2–3 inches above the wound, over clothing if necessary, and tighten until bleeding stops. Write down time and monitor for shock
In the case of shock, how should you give fluids?
If the person is conscious and able to swallow, give them small sips of water or an electrolyte drink
What are the steps for treating a compound fracture of the arm?
First, control the bleeding using a bandage or torniquet. Then splint the arm in the nuetral position
How should you treat a chemical burn on the skin?
Flush the area with large amounts of water for at least 20 minutes, remove contaminated clothing, and seek medical help
How do you modify the Heimlich maneuver for a pregnant woman?
Perform chest thrusts instead of abdominal thrusts
How do you treat a person with severe frostbite?
Do not rub the affected area, rewarm gently, and seek immediate medical care
What should you do if someone has been poisoned by a corrosive substance?
Make sure it is safe, wash substance away, rinse patients' mouth, sip water. Do not induce vomiting. Follow Poison Control's instructions.
What is the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest, and what is the proper first aid for each?
A heart attack is from a lack of proper blood flow to the heart. A patient may remain conscious, administer aspirin and have the patient rest in a comfortable position, call 911.
Cardiac arrest is when the heart stops, and a patient becomes unconscious. Administer CPR.
What should you do if a person with a pacemaker requires AED use?
Place the pads at least one inch away from the pacemaker
How do you manage a victim with a massive head wound and rapid bleeding that you can't control with direct pressure?
Apply pressure to the bleeding site, attempt to elevate the head if possible, and position the person in a way that allows gravity to reduce blood flow to the head. Keep the victim still. Call emergency medical services for immediate assistance
What should you do if someone is in shock and has chest pain or difficulty breathing?
Place them in a semi-sitting position and administer oxygen if available
A patient has suffered a mountain biking crash. They are complaining of rib pain, and you suspect a fracture to multiple ribs. What is the proper first aid
Have them rest in a position to ease breathing. Give the patient something soft to hold against the broken ribs
A patient has sustained a serious electrical burn with entry and exit wounds. What is your immediate response?
Ensure the area is safe and that there is no ongoing electrical hazard. Do not touch the person until the power source is turned off. Apply a clean, dry dressing to the burn sites and seek medical help immediately
A choking patient has collapsed to the floor and is now unconscious, what is your immediate response?
Position the patient for CPR. Check ABCs, begin CPR with extra attention given to checking the airway before giving rescue breaths
What are the three stages and a characteristic of each?
1. Frostnip: red skin, cold, sore
2. Superficial Frostbite: pale white skin, pins and needles, peeling skin
3. Severe Frostbite: black skin, hard, numb
How do you treat someone who has been poisoned by carbon monoxide?
Remove them from the source of carbon monoxide and administer 100% oxygen
Where is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the body and how would you transport an athlete with a torn ACL?
The ACL is at the front of the knee. A walking assist would be proper in transporting this patient