Name a two letter consonant blend.
(any two letter blend is acceptable)
These are the five vowels in the English alphabet.
What are a, e, i, o, u?
These are two items people might grow in a garden.
What are _______ and _______?
This is a word that rhymes with can.
The number of syllables in the word RIVER
What is 2 syllables?
This is a word that begins with a consonant blend.
What is ________?
(any word that begins with a 2 or 3 letter consonant blend)
This is a word with the short a sound.
What is ________?
(any word with short a is acceptable)
Name a breed of dog.
What is ________________?
(any dog breed is acceptable)
This is word I get from adding another letter to the word LEND
What is ________?
The number of syllables in the word WISHY-WASHY.
What is 4 syllables?
This is a word that ends with a consonant blend.
What is ________?
(any word that ends with a consonant blend is acceptable)
What is ________?
(any word with short e is acceptable)
A kind of dancing that is high energy and uses hip hop music.
What is breakdancing?
This is a word I get from changing one letter in the word SIT
What is ________?
The number of syllables in the word SHENANIGANS
This is a three letter consonant blend.
What is ________?
(any 3 letter consonant blend is fine.)
This is a word with the short i sound.
What is ________?
(any word with short i is acceptable)
This is a job a dog sometimes does.
What is ____________?
Any job a dog can do is possible
This is a word I get from adding another letter to the word RAIN.
What is ________?
or other possibilities
The number of syllables in the word MALARKEY.
What is 3 syllables?
This is a word that contains a 3 letter consonant blend.
What is ________?
(any word with a 3 letter consonant blend is acceptable)
This is a word with the short u sound.
What is ________?
(any word with short u is acceptable)
A type of garden where many different people grow food. Often some of it is donated to a local food bank.
What is a community garden.
This is the number of sounds in the word DUCK
What is 3?
The number of syllables in the words DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID
What is 10 syllables?