CS Extras
Unit 1
Input/ Output
Code.ORG Questions

Computer Science is really all about one concept:  __________  _____________

Problem Solving  (using your computers)


What is Problem-Solving?

Can you use Problem-Solving to find a solution for an existing issue?


Is a Monitor/Screen an input or output device?

A monitor/screen is most often an OUTPUT device.


What two things can help us to work together and solve problems?

A computer and the problem-solving process can help us work together and solve almost any problem.


What is the definition of Processing?

the process of a computer taking information input by a user and changing it into an output (video, document, picture, text, color, etc...) 


From the video we saw entitled, "What most schools don't teach"; please explain what it means when they said that coding is similar to playing an instrument or playing a sport."

Practice is necessary to increase your skills 

Both can be intimidating or scary until you learn and practice.


From the Code.org video that we saw called "What makes a computer a computer", they showed you that a hammer, wheel barrow, and a printing press help us with what kind of work?   What kind of work do computers help us with?

A hammer, wheel barrow, or printing press help us with MANUAL WORK.

Computers help us with THINKING/MENTAL work.


What is a computer PERIPHERAL?

A computer PERIPHERAL is any device that can be attached to your computer that makes it operate better than it was brand new in the box.


A. What are the TWO kinds of memory?

B. Which one is TEMPORARY and which is PERMANENT ?

RAM and ROM are the two kinds of memory

RAM is temporary and ROM is permanent


Can computers or apps do only 1 type of processing at a time or multiple kinds of processing at the same time?

Computers can do multiple kinds of processing at the same time extremely fast.


 Why might a person with coding skills be very valuable

  in our future society?

A person even with basic coding skills will be valuable because so few know basic skills; therefore, anyone with this knowledge will be ahead of so many others in computer related occupations.


Tell two ways that we can surely tell a computer from a non-computer

A computer can do all of the following: 

input information

output information

process information

store/save information

AND  non-computers might be able to only do one, two or three of these BUT not all four


What is the definition of an input device?

An input device is any device used with your computer to input information into your computer.


What is a solid, middle school definition of COMPUTER SCIENCE?

COMPUTER SCIENCE is using our computers to help solve real-world problems.


In Code.org, we did a series of activities with processing.

One activity asked you about National Parks and provided a series of questions about National Parks.

Tell two types of processing this app was using and how the processing was done.

This app was using:  MATCHING because it was matching the correct answer with our incorrect answer.

It was also using IF/THEN because if we clicked on an answer, then we were shown if our answer was correct or incorrect.


What do the letters of RAM stand for ?

What do the letters of ROM stand for?

Random          Read

Access            Only

Memory          Memory


What is a computer?

Is a computer a machine that can input, output, process, and store data.  It can also help us communicate and do thinking work.


Is a computer motherboard an input or and output device?

The motherboard is neither an input or output device; it is simply the main control unit in your device.


Two items to consider:  a shovel and an Apple Iphone 14

A. Which helps you do manual work and which could help with thinking work?

B. Can one be used to do the others work?

A shovel helps with MANUAL work while an Iphone could help with THINKING work.

Neither can replace the other to do the others work.


When you used the "Which Finger is Fastest" example app, which THREE types of processing was it doing all at the same time?

This app was doing: COUNTING/ COMPARING/ and MATCHING


Below are 4 pieces of an app that you might use: Please tell which COMPUTER FUNCTION each is representing:

--SAVES a listing of all the jobs the app thinks is best for you.

--Displays a PICTURE of someone doing the job the app thinks is best for you.

--You TYPE IN all of your likes, dislikes, and any classes you have taken at school that might be similar to a career.

--COUNTS your interests and the qualifications so that you can decide an occupation that might be best for you.

SAVES:  storage


TYPE IN likes, dislikes:   input

COUNTS:  processing


What are the steps of the Problem-Solving Process?

Are the steps of the Problem-Solving Process Define, Prepare, Try, and Reflect?


Tell three examples of a computer PERIPHERAL

various answers will be correct.



B. Explain how either TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat do each of the 4 FUNCTIONS.

A. The 4 FUNCTIONS of every computer are:

input, output, processing, and storage.

B. Answers will vary


What are the 4 computer processing types?

What are: counting, comparing, matching, and if/then.
