Intro Definitions
Back to the Future

This movie starts to the tune of "Back in Black" playing as an American patrol moves through the desert in Afghanistan.

What is "Iron Man"?


I graduated from this high school, whose mascot was named by a teacher who came to teach from Ohio.

What is Miles Mac?


This term is used to refer to something unexpected happening in a situation, such as a CEO telling a poor person to "stop being so greedy".

What is irony?


This is an individual creation that has meaning instilled in it by its creator.

What is media?


The bully of Marty's father who Marty bathes in manure in a skateboard/car chase.

Who is Biff?


When a camera shot is taken from above, looking down on its subject(s), the audience is meant to think this about them.

What is weak/small/insignificant?


While I assistant coach the Gr. 9 boys basketball team, I also help out in clubs such as this one that runs on Mondays at lunch and after school.

What is chess?


This literary device is used to connect two unlike things together in order to say something about one of them, such as comparing the traffic in the tunnel to "running with the bulls" in Spain.

What is an analogy?


This is used to refer to multiple pieces of media that share similarities due to their format.

What is a medium?


The year that the film originally takes place in before jumping back to the past.

What is 1985?


The French term "Mise-en-scene" refers to all elements within the screen including the characters, props, outfits and where they are, commonly referred to as this in literature.

What is setting?


This jersey that I have is from my favorite sport, but is not from a Manitoban based team.

What is your Team Egypt national jersey?


This device refers to using something to represent a bigger or broader idea or thing, such as the use of a pharaoh's mask to represent Egypt.

What is symbolism?


This is used to create and transmit pieces of media and do no have any intrinsic meaning on its own.

What is technology?


This fate-changing item was given to Doc by Marty before he returned to the future after he helped his parents fall in love.

What is a letter?


When the camera is put on tilt, it is trying to get the audience to feel what kind of emotion?

What is unease/tension/anxiety.


I have taught in two different types of classes this semester, ELA and this subject.

What is Social Studies?

This code is used when a cartoonist wants to make sure the audience knows what something is, such as slapping the word "responsibilities" on a ball and chain.

What is labelling?


This medium is historically shown on the "silver screen", but is more accessible at home now than ever before.

What is film?


The DeLorean time machine needs this much energy, presented in gigawatts, to travel through time.

What is 1.21 gigawatts?

The clip from "Lord of the Rings" that we watched in class featured the party at Helms Deep riding out in one last stand when this character arrives dressed in white.

Who is Gandalf?


I come from this University, whose location is the furthest from here in the city.

What is the University of Manitoba?


This code is used in a number of ways from the words that characters speak to the title of the cartoon itself.

What is a caption?


"The Wall" is a piece of media created by the band Pink Floyd that has been created in these two different mediums.

What are film and album?


The song Marty plays at dance that he claims the crowd may not have been ready for yet.

What is "Johnny B. Goode"?
