This document should be full and complete (all pages).
What is a lease?
This is needed when reviewing requests for someone other than the participant.
What is proof of dependency/relationship.
This type of damage is not permissible for a hardship withdrawal.
What is wear and tear, progressive deterioration, etc?
The name of this person should be listed on every funeral bill.
What is responsible party?
This is needed when an original request has some type of error that prevents proper processing.
What is a manual build?
This should be done legitimately or electronically.
What is a signature?
This wording is necessary on medical procedure estimates.
What is "payment terms"?
When a participant has insurance, this document must be obtained in addition to the invoice/estimate.
What is insurance claim?
This is the number of days that we consider a funeral bill valid for.
What is 60 days?
This must be done on a request that should not have been completed/approved.
What is a hold?
This must be a future date.
What is the due date?
Any collection notice received must be accompanied by this document.
This is the time frame which damage must have occurred within to be valid for approval.
What is three years?
The deceased party does not necessarily need to be this for us to approve the request.
What is a US Citizen?
This must be exhausted before a hardship withdrawal can be processed.
This document is needed when a participant is going through bankruptcy.
What is a "relief from stay" court document?
If medical documentation has this wording, we cannot accept it.
What is a signed statement?
We will not cover this type of expense for "funeral".
What is a celebration of life?
Some contracts allow this to be used as proof of dependency.
What is a beneficiary?
We can approve this type of fee only when it is clear that there is a threat of foreclosure.
What is property tax.
Cosmetic/elective procedures must be accompanied by this.
What is proof of medical necessity?
We do not cover this expense if a participant is doing the repairs on their own.
What is labor?
We can approve this type of expense, even if it does not accompany an actual funeral bill (ie: funeral already happened, this expense could come later)
What is a tombstone/headstone/grave marker/burial.
What is the notes screen?