Efficiency and effectiveness 30%
Customer Satisfaction - 4.2 PSQI
Employee Satisfaction - 80/100
Lean Maturity - 2.5 / 4.0
When is celebrated the independence of Mexico
16 September
What is the most traditional festivity from India?
Diwali: Festival of Lights
The festival gets its name from the row (avali) of clay lamps (deepa) that Indians light outside their homes to symbolize the inner light that protects from spiritual darkness. This festival is as important to Hindus as the Christmas holiday is to Christians.
What is the Capital of Mexico?
Mexico City
Capital of India
Nueva Delhi
Vision from the COE
Becoming the Center of Gravity for Finance and Controlling in Hitachi ABB Power Grids
What is the main food in Mexico
What is the main food of India
Aloo gobi. Crisp golden potatoes and cauliflower.
Name 5 countries in America
USA - Canada - Mexico - Colombia - Brazil
Where did the Olympic games were originated?
Overall Result for the PSQI
What is the main drink from Mexico
What is the main drink from India
Masala Chai
Name 5 countries in Europe
Colours of the Flag of India and Mexico?
Mexico - Green, white and Red
How many people we have in the COE as of now
What is the most traditional Festivity from Mexico
Day of the death, when we remember our death family
Where is situated Bollywood?
In what year the Berlin wall went down?
Who Painted the last dinner?
Leonardo Da Vinci
Most popular game from Mexico
The most popular game from India
In what year the spanish people arrived to America?
What is the only mammal capable of flight?
The Bat