Who was your first friend on MySpace?
What is the largest mammal on earth?
Blue Whale
What are two things that are impossible to eat for breakfast?
Lunch and Dinner
What movie franchize features a character named "Luke Skywalker"?
Star Wars
Who created Facebook?
Mark Zuckerberg
How many 'zeros' are in one hundred thousand?
What word is spelled incorectly in every dictionary
She is known for her hit song "Bad Guy".
Billie Eilish
"I didn't get no sleep cause of yall, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
Yall not gone get no sleep cause of me
What are the top 5 Social Media Platforms?
How many Maple Leaves' are on the Canadian Flag?
How can you go 25 days successfully without sleep.
Sleep at night
What streaming service is known for "Stranger Things" and "Bridgerton"?
"Is it me? Am I the _ _ _ _ _?"
What Social Media Platform was TikTok before TikTok.
(Hint- You could only upload up to 15-60 sec videos)
How many bones are in the human body?
The widow's husband hit on the bartender last friday and slipped her his number. She calls today at 3PM. Why didn't he answer?
He's Dead.
What spy is known as "007"?
James Bond
"Girl.. you thicker than a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"
Bowl of oatmeal
How did you know that someone was your best friend on MySpace?
They were in your 'Top 5'
Charles Darwin
A 22 year old boy is rushed to the Hospital for emergency surgery. Upon seeing the boy, the surgeon said "I cannot operate on this boy, he is my son!" But the Doctor was not the boy's Father.
How can this be?
It was his mother.
Who is the "Dark Knight"?
"Look at all those _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"