Eponym Epidemic!
Physician Wellness
Women's Health
My pain is 11/10!

Memory is hazy on the details, but this disease was named after a German neuropathologist in who was observing a strangely behaving patient in a Frankfurt Asylum, and on her death was found to have unusual pathologic findings in the brain which he formally presented in 1906.

What is Alzheimer’s disease?


This rash commonly treated with oral or topical antibiotics can actually get worse with steroid use:

What is peri-oral dermatitis?


This is the service providing counselling and access to mental health supports to physicians, medical learners and their immediate families which is delivered via Morneau Shepell, provided by the CMA and funded by Scotiabank and MD Financial Management.

What is the “Wellness Support Line”


A 55y/o G0 postmenopausal woman presents for 2 episodes of vaginal spottingthat self resolved in the last month. She has no other sx. You order a TVUS. An
endometrial biopsy indicated at this endometrial thickness.

What is >4 mm (per ACOG); >5 mm (per radiological society and unclear SOGC 2013


This syndrome comes from daily ingestion of a substance, leading to severe nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, with improved symptoms from a hot bath or topical capsaicin.

What is cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?


A person with a tear of this muscle has pain when emptying a can.

What is supraspinatous? (13 letters)


The French neurologist who first described this illness (which now bears his name), originally referred to the condition as “maladie des tics”.

What is Tourette syndrome? (named after Dr. George Gilles de la Tourette)


This is a common topical treatment for the facial rash pictured:

What are topical anti-fungals? e.g. ketoconazole, ciclopirox?


Name four types of exercise?

What are  *answers will vary*?


These “alternative" products, inserted vaginally, balance hormones and regulate menstrual cycles, among other wonderful things.

What are jade and rose quartz eggs, reference:  Gwyneth Paltrow


This drug works for your postherpetic neuralgia, your menopausal hot flashes, your alcohol use disorder and your anxiety, and if you have chronic pruritus and hiccups, those too...

What is Gabapentin?


A novel SNRI, considered 2nd line by CANMAT, due to lack of comparative and relapse prevention data.

What is levomilnacipran? (15 letters)


Ugh, what did I eat last night? Although it has a fishy name, this bacteria is more often found in undercooked chicken and pork.

What is salmonella? (named after Dr. Daniel Salmon)


This sandpaper like red rash is found along with fever and pharyngitis. It usually starts in the groin and armpits and is there is often circumoral pallor and a strawberry tongue. The rash then expands to cover the trunk, followed by the extremities. 

What is scarlet fever?


This type of exercise includes poses such as “happy baby” and “corpse pose”.

What is yoga?


These are three options for contraception in breast-feeding women-

What are condoms, IUD (copper or progesterone-containing), Progesterone-only pill?


These are the only two FDA approved antidepressants for use in children

What are escitalopram and fluoxetine?


Actos is one of these, a class of diabetic drugs not widely used due to cardiac effects

What is a thiazolidinedione? (17 letters)


This genetic disorder is characterized by a red spot on the retina and named after two ophthalmologists who didn’t even work together, but who individually described the characteristic finding and particular genetic prevalence respectively.

What is Tay-Sachs disease? (named after Drs Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs)


This itchy, red, raised and sometimes blistering rash is commonly found on elbows, knees, buttocks and lower scalp. It is associated with gluten enteropathy.

What is dermatitis herpetiformis?


Robert Eaton subscribed to this philosophy of vacation planning.

What is “the tarzan approach” (or something like it) -the idea that like swinging from tree to tree, grabbing the next vine before letting go of the latter - always have your next holiday booked before you leave on your current vacation.


Name 3 criteria for direct entry into to the High Risk Breast Cancer Screening program in Ontario?

Are between the age of 30 and 69 and meet one of the following criteria:
a. Known to be a carrier of a gene mutation (e.g. BRCA1, BRCA2)
b. First degree relative of a carrier of a gene mutation (e.g. BRCA1, BRCA2), has previously had genetic counselling, and has declined genetic testing
c. Previously assessed by a genetic clinic (using the IBIS or BOADICEA risk assessment tools) as having a >25% lifetime risk of breast cancer on basis of family history
d. Received chest radiation (not chest x-ray) before the age of 30 and at least 8 years previously


Thiamine prevents Wernicke's encephalopathy in heavy alcohol users, and should also be given to prevent this syndrome, in patients with anorexia.

What is re-feeding syndrome?


2020 guidelines still consider this drug to be a first line agent in uncomplicated Hypertension, although the long-acting versions in the class are considered to be superior.

What is hydrochlorothiazide? (19 letters)


This fuzzy-sounding disease is characterized by a neutropenia, and enlarged spleen, and symmetrical joint arthritis.

What is Felty syndrome? (named after Dr. Augustus Roi Felty)


This condition is characterized by patient reports of tiny fibres on their skin and problems with memory, mood and concentration.

What is Morgellon's Syndrome?

The average number of weeks holiday for a COFMA physician in 2020

What is just over 5 weeks?


This woman’s cervical cancer cells went on to become the HeLa cell line- the first immortalized human cell line and one of the most important cell lines in medical

Who was Henrietta Lacks?


Naltrexone works for alcohol and opioid use disorder, might help you lose your excess pounds when combined with bupropion, and can reduce these harmful behaviours.

What are self-harming behaviours?


A test used to detect abnormal proteins when suspecting monoclonal and polyclonal gammopathies

What is Immunoelectrophoresis? (21 letters)
