What is CBT
Cognitive Distortions
Practice Reframing and Cognitive Distortions
CBT facts

What is the term for one's deepest cognition?

Core Belief


How many cognitive distortions are there?



Reframe this thought: I will never find a place to live.

It is going to be hard to find a place to live. I need to ask for help. I probably won't find the perfect place at first.


STATES: from least to most line your team up by the amount of states they have traveled to


What shape can represent CBT



What does CBT stand for? 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Describe "should" statements and how they may impact you.

“Should” statements: The belief that things should be a certain way. “I should always be perfect.”

-Should statement can set an unrealistic expectation, which can cause feelings such as shame or guilt if you don't meet those expectations.


It won't ever change, why even bother?

It is frustrating how hard it is to get where I want to go.


tell your best dad joke



Explain Mindfulness and CBT

This CBT technique encourages individuals to focus on the present moment, observing thoughts and feelings without judgment.


What is the term that is described as "faulty or inaccurate thinking, perception or belief"

Cognitive Distortions


Explain Castastrophizing 

Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation.


This CBT technique involves identifying and challenging irrational beliefs, often using the ABC model.

cognitive restructuring


Find something in the room that is your favorite color, you have 10 seconds



This cognitive distortion involves seeing situations in black-and-white terms, with no middle ground.

All or nothing thinking


This therapeutic approach focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns and behaviors.



Explain the cognitive distortion: Magnification and Minimization.

BOTH TEAMS BONUS: For an extra 100 points write down an example of each.

Exaggerating or minimizing the importance of events. You might believe your own achievements are unimportant or that your mistakes are excessively important.


In cognitive restructuring, individuals learn to replace negative thoughts with more balanced and realistic ones. What is this process commonly referred to as?

cognitive reframing


speed round of pictionary. your team must guess the drawing in 30 seconds for the points.

drawings may vary

Name all 10 cognitive distortions

There isn't a universally agreed-upon number of cognitive distortions, as different sources may categorize and define them slightly differently. However, Aaron T. Beck, the founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), initially identified several common cognitive distortions. These distortions were further expanded upon by other researchers and practitioners in the field of CBT.

The original list of cognitive distortions identified by Beck includes around 10 common types, such as:

  1. All-or-nothing thinking (or black-and-white thinking)
  2. Overgeneralization
  3. Mental filter (dwelling on negatives while ignoring positives)
  4. Discounting the positives
  5. Jumping to conclusions (mind reading and fortune telling)
  6. Magnification and minimization (catastrophizing and minimizing the positive)
  7. Emotional reasoning
  8. Should statements
  9. Labeling and mislabeling
  10. Personalization

Who is the psychologist often credited as the founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?

Aaron T. Beck


Explain the distortion: jumping to conclusions

For a bonus 200 points, name the two types.

For an extra 50 points give an example of each.

Jumping to conclusions: Interpreting the meaning of a situation with little or no evidence.

Mind reading: Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others without adequate evidence. “She wouldn’t go on a date with me. She probably thinks I’m ugly.”

Fortune telling: The expectation that a situation will turn out badly without adequate evidence.


Explain the CBT cross-sectional model. 

Hint: you have a worksheet.

It represents the interplay between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, illustrating how they influence each other.


Do your best celebrity impersonation (treatment appropriate!!!)

impersonations may vary


What is the ABC model used for in CBT?

The ABC model is a tool used in CBT to help individuals understand the connection between activating events (A), their beliefs or interpretations (B), and the emotional and behavioral consequences (C) that result from those beliefs.
