The belief that one is responsible for events outside of their own control.
A person's most central ideas about themselves, others, and the world.
Core Beliefs
The model that based on the idea that how you think determines how you feel and how you behave
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation
Anything that happens to a person, often out of their control
Situation/ Trigger
Exaggerating or minimizing the importance of events
Magnification and Minimization
True or False: People are born with core beliefs
"I'm so awkward" is an example of
A) Thought
B) Feeling
C) Emotion
D) Situation
A) Thought
Calling yourself names
True or False: Emotions are based in logic and not influenced by thoughts and beliefs
Thinking in absolutes such as "always", "never", or "every"
All or Nothing Thinking
People with different core beliefs will think, feel, and behave _______ in the same situation.
A) The same
B) Differently
B) Differently
True or False: By changing the way you think, you can change the way you feel and behave
Making broad interpretations from a single or few events
How a person feels about a situation
Emotions/ Feelings
Interpreting the meaning of a situation with little or no evidence.
Jumping to Conclusions
True or False: Information that contradicts core beliefs is often ignored
What are thoughts that aren’t based on objective reality?
Irrational Thoughts
Interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others without adequate evidence
Mind Reading
The person's actions and behaviors in response to their thoughts and feelings about a situation
Behavior/ Response
Recognizing only the negative aspects of a situation while ignoring the positive
Disqualifying the Positive
Harmful core beliefs can lead to __________ and ________.
Interpersonal and Mental Health Problems
Draw the four parts of the CBT Triangle
Activating Event -> Thoughts -> Feelings -> Behaviors
Always demanding the ideal or that life should be fair or the belief that acts will influence unrelated situations
Fairy Tale Fantasy Thinking or Magical Thinking
What a person thinks or believes about a situation. How the individual interprets the event
Thoughts/ Beliefs