Making assumptions about what someone else is thinking or anticipating a negative outcome in a situation with little to no evidence.
Jumping to Conclusions
When we see things in black or white, no gray area. It is either perfect, or a complete failure.
All or Nothing Thinking
My best friend and I barely spoke today. She didn't even say hi to me during passing period. She's probably mad at me.
Jumping to Conclusions
I know I'm not going to get into that college, so I should not even apply.
If I don't get into this school, it's okay because I have other options at the different schools I'm applying for. I should still give it a try!
I messed up the question my teacher asked at the end of my presentation. I completely failed my presentation. I know I'm going to get a bad grade.
Even though I did stutter at one of the questions my teacher asked, it's okay because I was able to answer the question in the end. I know I did well on the rest of my presentation.
Downplaying the positives whilst recognizing or focusing on the negatives.
Exaggerating the implications of a set back or seeing only the worst possible outcome of a situation.
She complimented me on my outfit, but I know she was only just being nice.
The ball slipped through my hands during practice. My teammates are all mad at me and I will never make it to varsity.
That first math quiz was hard. This entire semester is going to be a disaster and I'm going to fail.
That first math quiz was hard, but now that I know what to expect, I can study the areas that I'm not familiar with.
Picking out one single negative detail and focusing on it.
Mental Filter
Blaming yourself for something you are either not entirely or at all responsible for.
I missed my workout today because I was so busy studying for tomorrow's test. Now my entire fitness journey is messed up.
All or Nothing
My significant other hasn't texted me all day today. They're mad at me.
My significant other hasn't texted me all day today. They must have been busy. I'll text them to check in on them to see if they are okay.
My friend complimented my outfit, but I know she was just doing it to be nice.
My friend complimented my outfit. I just bought this top, I'm happy she noticed.
Assigning someone's actions to their disposition
Criticizing yourself using certain language that does not accurately reflect the situation.
"Should" Statements
I studied last night. I should have known all the answers to that quiz.
Should Statements
I thought this would be my favorite class, but one of my classmates is a real jerk to me. This class is horrible.
I like my classmates and my teacher for this class. Even though there is one jerk in class, I'll just ignore them. I still enjoy everything else about the class.
I got into the varsity team, but it was probably because of beginner's luck. Or there probably weren't enough people who tried out and everyone got in anyway.
I practiced all summer and got in the varsity team. My efforts really paid off. I'm proud of myself.
Viewing one single negative event as a pattern for future events.
Assuming your emotions reflect reality, and drawing conclusions based on how you feel.
Emotional Reasoning
I'm going on vacation. I had an amazing time, but my flight was delayed, which caused me to miss my connecting flight. Even though I had a good time on vacation, I can't stop thinking about how mad I am I missed my connected flight because of the delay!
Mental Filtration
I feel so bad the other person bumped into me whilst we were shopping. I was probably taking too much of the aisle or taking too long.
Accidents happen. We both were not paying attention to where we were going. I'm glad neither of us got seriously hurt.
My lab partner seems distant and cold. Maybe they don't want to be partners with me and think I'm a horrible lab partner.