Question the Thought

This cognitive distortion is seeing things as either all good OR all bad. It’s either one extreme or the other, there are no gray areas.

What is Black and White thinking? 

(Also will allow: What is All or Nothing thinking?)


"Today was a terrible day at school. School is always terrible."

What is Black and White/All or Nothing thinking? 


After having the thought, "Today was a terrible day at school. School is always terrible." 

Today WAS hard but I have had good and bad days at school. A question I can ask myself to check if that thought is true is...

Is school ALWAYS terrible?


Identify the cognitive distortion and reframe this thought: "I can’t handle this situation; I’m just not good enough."

What is Black and White or All or Nothing thinking?

Reframe: "This situation is tough, but I’ve faced challenges before and found ways to manage them. I can handle it."


It is hard to think clearly or positively on an empty stomach!

Am I hungry?


This cognitive distortion tells you to expect the worst possible outcome, even if it’s unlikely.

What is Catastrophizing?


"If I don’t get a perfect test score, I will fail!"

What is Catastrophizing?


After having the thought, "If I don’t get a perfect test score, I will fail!"

Perfection is not necessary, trying my best is enough. A question I can ask myself to check if that thought is true is...

Am I even close to failing this class? Would this test alone really decide my final grade?


Identify the cognitive distortion and reframe this thought: "If I make a mistake, everyone will think I’m incompetent."

What is catastrophizing?

Reframe: "Making mistakes is normal and part of learning. One mistake doesn’t define my abilities."


Sometimes I need 5 minutes to reset and try again.

Can I take a break?


Taking one event or experience and applying it to everything, assuming it will always be the same.

What is Overgeneralization?


"If one of my classmates is rude to me at school, then everyone at school is rude."

What is Overgeneralization?


After having the thought, "If one of my classmates is rude to me at school, then everyone at school is rude."

Though there are rude people, there are also nice people at this school. A question I can ask myself to check if that thought is true is...

Is everyone at school rude to me? Can I find ways to be kind to others?


Identify the cognitive distortion and reframe this thought: "Nobody cares about me, I’m alone."

What is Overgeneralization?

Reframe: "I may feel alone at times, but I’ve had people show they care about me. I can reach out and reconnect."


I like *this* about myself.

What is something I like about myself?


This cognitive distortion leads you to assign a negative label to yourself or others, based on a single event.

What is Labeling?


"I failed this learning check. My teacher is a bad teacher."

What is Labeling?


After having the thought, "I failed this learning check. My teacher is a bad teacher."

I have good weeks and bad weeks, maybe my teacher does too. A question I can ask myself to check if that thought is true is...

What work did I do to learn this material?


Identify the cognitive distortion and reframe this thought: "I will never succeed at anything, I always fail."

What is Labeling?

Reframe: "Failure is part of growth. My past failures don’t define my future. I can learn from them and succeed."


I earned *this* badge at Scouts.

What is a "win" I had recently?


This cognitive distortion has you believe that because you feel a certain way, it must be true.

What is Emotional Reasoning?


"I'm lonely, I will never make any friends"

What is Emotional Reasoning?


After having the thought, "I'm lonely, I will never make any friends."

The best way to make a friend is to be kind and friendly. A question I can ask myself to check if that thought is true is...

How can I be kind to someone I would be interested in making friends with?


Identify the cognitive distortion and reframe this thought: "I feel anxious about the future, that means everything is going to go wrong."

What is Emotional Reasoning?

Reframe: "Feeling anxious about the future is normal and doesn't mean that bad things will happen. I’ve managed uncertainty before and I can face challenges as they come."


I thought that I wouldn't like doing *this*, but it was actually fun!

When have I been wrong, in a good way?
