This is when we see things in black and white categories. There is no grey area. We use words like "always," "never," "everybody".
What is All-or-Nothing Thinking
This is when we apply simplistic and unfair definitions or labels on ourselves and others.
What is Labeling
being bitten by a dog and now dogs are scary.
What is overgeneralization
I am going to forget everything the teacher taught me.
What is fortune telling
You see most things as negative because of one negative event or aspect. taking one event and applying it to all similar situations
What is Overgeneralization
This is when we think we know the future. We anticipate that things will turn out badly and act as if they already turned out that way.
What is Fortune Telling
Dad did not give me a hug. He does not love me.
What is Mind Reading
I always mess everything up!
What is All-or-Nothing Thinking
This happens when we blow things out of proportion. focusing on the worst possible outcome of a situation and exaggerating the likelihood of it happening
What is Magnification or Catastrophizing
This is when we think everything will be better when something happens in you life.
What is Magical Thinking
If I get all A's in school then my life will be happy.
What is magical thinking
I missed the homework assignment and now I'll never learn math.
What is Magnification/Catastrophizing
This is when we conclude that someone is acting negatively towards us without checking it out or seeking other evidence. We think we know what is going on in someone else's mind.
What is Mind Reading
This is when thinking that because we feel something, it must be true. What we feel decides reality.
What is Emotional Reasoning
I got lots of new presents for my birthday, but not the one I really wanted.
What is negative thinking/filtering
I am scared, so mom must be in danger.
what is emotional reasoning
This is when we pick out one negative detail in a situation and dwell on it exclusively.
What is Negative Thinking or Filtering
This is when we blame others for your problems or mistakes OR blaming yourself when it wasn't your fault.
What is Blaming/Denying
I cry a lot. I am such a baby!
What is Labeling.
My sister ruins everything!
what is blaming/denying