What is a Cognitive Distortion?
A "thinking error" or irrational thoughts that shape how you see the world, how you feel, and how you act.
There is no cure for cognitive distortions
True! Although we can reframe them when we experience them, they can't necessarily be cured.
"Should" Statements
The belief that things "should" be a certain way.
I felt awkward at that party, therefore I am ALWAYS so awkward
I’ll never get better at piano
If I keep practicing, I can improve
Who experiences cognitive distortions?
Anyone can experience cognitive distortions!
Only people with a mental illness experience cognitive distortions
False! Anyone and everyone can experience cognitive distortions.
Applying a negative label to yourself.
Our team lost because of me
It’s all my fault my team lost the game
One person doesn’t win or lose a game; we all played together
Are cognitive distortions always negative?
Yes, they are almost always considered negative as they skew your perspective.
Cognitive distortions are always factual statements
False! Some parts of the statement may be correct, but a cognitive distortion exaggerates or misrepresents the situation. Remember to check the facts!
Making broad interpretations from a single or few events.
I should always be perfect
"Should" Statements
I just know I’ll fail my test tomorrow
I don’t know for sure, but I can study and try my best
What do cognitive distortions cause?
Increased anxiety, depression, and lower self-esteem
All negative thoughts are cognitive distortions
False! Not every negative thought is a cognitive distortion. Look for signs that the negative thought is irrational or exaggerated that distorts your view of the situation.
Seeing only the worst possible outcomes of a situation.
I failed the science test, so I'm going to flunk out of school
Everyone thinks I’m weird
I don’t know what everyone thinks, but my real friends like me for who I am
How do you combat cognitive distortions?
Reframing! Identifying that what you're experiencing is a cognitive distortion and reframing the thought is so important!
Reframes should always be positive or neutral
True! Ideally, the reframe would be a neutral and realistic statement that challenges the cognitive distortion.
Blaming yourself and making events that happened your fault.
I got a lot of good feedback, but I'm focusing on only the negative feedback I got
Disqualifying the Positive
I didn’t make the soccer team, so I’ll never be good at sports!
I didn’t make the team this time, but I can keep practicing and try again