This is when we see things as black and white. There are no grey areas.
This is when we apply simplistic and unfair definitions to ourselves (or others!) that are probably wrong or more likely incomplete
If I don't get an A+ on this test, I may as well fail.
All or nothing thinking
She is moving to a new school because she hates being in class with me.
Because I'm struggling with [mental health, eating disorder, etc] right now, means I am [bad, useless, etc].
Labeling. Reframe! I may be struggling with this right now, but I have a lot to offer to this world! This does not define who I am as a person, or my potential. This is not a reflection of me.
This is when we see a single negative event as a never-ending streak or cycle (failure, etc.). We use words like "always", "never", "everyone"
This is when we anticipate that things will turn out badly and act as if they already turned out that way.
Fortune telling
My boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with me. I will never find anyone to be with.
I know she complimented my outfit but she was just being nice.
Disqualifying positives OR minimizing
"I will never be happy."
Overgeneralizing. Examples: "I may be unhappy now but that will pass." "I have been happy before and I will be happy again."
This is what happens when we blow a negative event out of proportion.
Magnification or catastrophizing
This is when we see ourselves as the cause of negative events that we are not responsible for.
I feel lonely. No one wants to be around me
Emotional reasoning
If I go to this party, I am going to have a panic attack and have a bad time. I may as well just not go.
Jumping to conclusions --> fortune telling
Example: "There could be many reasons why he did not say Hi to me. It's not personal. He's busy/distracted/not feeling well/having a hard day/preoccupied, etc" "I will check in with him later and make sure everything is ok"
This is when we conclude that someone is acting negatively towards us (ignoring us, mad at us, etc) without checking it out or seeking other evidence
Mind reading
This is when we look at our strengths and trivialize/discount them.
Mind reading
I know I got an A on this test, but I just got lucky. That didn't count.
Disqualifying the positive
I didn't do as well as I had hoped, which means I'm a total failure.
Labeling. Examples: "I'm not a failure for making mistakes, it's okay and it is human." "This does not define me or what I am capable of."
This is when we pick out one negative detail in a situation and dwell on it exclusively.
Mental filter
This is an example of turning positive events into non-existent or negative ones
Disqualifying the positives
If I don't get an A on this test, I'm never going to get into college
I got a grade that I'm not happy with, it's like I'm not capable of getting a good one at all. (Has received good grades throughout the semester)
Mental filter.
I should have known better/done better. I have to beat myself up because I didn't.
"Should" statements. Examples: "I did the best that I could with the knowledge that I had at the time."