Scenarios A
Scenarios B
Definitions A
Definitions B
Definitions C

I decided one day at lunch that I should take a corndog off of someone else's tray because I was hungry. When confronted for this behavior by my officer, I inform him that it wasn't my fault because someone else told me to do it. 

What is "blaming"?


I get my report card back at the end of the semester. Over the semester, I received 4 A's and one C in my Algebra class. I am not very good at math. After reading the report card, I stop trying the next semester in school because I am stupid.

What is "all or nothing thinking"?


I see things in "black and white categories". I use words like "always" and "never" when describing things. If I mess up once, I see myself as a total failure. 

What is All or Nothing Thinking?


I keep track of the times I feel that others have "wronged me". When I think the other person is wrong or in a position of weakness, I attack that person. I try to hurt them to "get even".

What is Keeping Score?


I try to make my behaviors seems like they are not a big deal. Sometimes I compare my "bad behavior" to others so that their behavior will seem worse than mine. 

What is minimizing?


I am really not having a good day in the pod after receiving some bad news on the phone last night. Due to my poor mood, I am disrespectful to the teacher in the pod and refuse to work. After realizing what I have done, I look up to see the officer writing on the point sheet. I know they just took my points...

What is "assuming"?


I come down to long-term from short-term and need to let everyone know about how "bad" I am. I discuss with my peers about how much I smoke on the daily and how many licks that I have hit. In doing so, I continue glorifying how cool I am. 

What is "criminal pride"?


I am proud of being a criminal and what crimes that I have commit. My self-esteem is based on my criminal behavior and accomplishments. 

What is criminal pride?


I feel that everything needs to go the way I want it to, not how others do.

What is "My Way"?


I feel that I am different than others. Even though my crime may be similar, I have ways of proving that I am different. I think that because I am different that rules do not apply to me. 

What is "uniqueness"?


During rec today, my officer makes me sit out after I cursed someone out after losing a game of 3-Point. This makes me mad and so I decide to keep cursing at others. If I can't play, I am going to make sure we have to go in from rec so no one gets to play. 

What is "my way"?


One day on the rec yard myself and another peer get into a heated exchange and call each other names. After this, he pushes me and I punch him in the face. We are both escorted back to the pod and placed on 23. When talking to the supervisor, I blame the other resident and say this is all his fault and that I "didn't do anything". I beg the officer to please not make me stay in the room and tell him it will just make me worse. 

What is "victim stance"?


I think the world owes me something. I feel and act is if others are beneath me even though I have not done anything to be superior to them. I want others treat me as if I am more special others or better than others at all times, if they don't I get mad.

What is entitlement?


I try to keep information from others in order to control them or to make myself feel powerful or have power over others. I could also keep information from counselors/therapists to avoid people knowing me. 

What is Secretiveness? 


I place the fault on others for something I know I did. By placing the fault on others, I do not need to take accountability for my actions and can try to avoid consequences. 

What is "Blaming"?


One day when coming back to the pod from lab, another resident steps on my shoes. He says "my bad" but I know that he did it on purpose. Later in the day, I "accidentally" spill water on him from a cup I was carrying. 

What is "keeping score"?


Someone in the pod opens up to me about some trauma that they went through in the past. I am the first person that they have ever told this to. A couple of weeks later, I get into a conflict with this person and we exchange words. During the conflict, I tell them they better watch out or I am going to let everyone in the pod know about what happened to them.

What is "secretiveness"?


I try to predict how things will turn out in the future and believe these predictions to be true.

What is "assuming"?


I stop responding and refuse to feel what I am truly feelings. If others try to help me or confront me I refuse to engage. 

What is "shutdown/meltdown"?


I try to act is if I was the one that was hurt instead of recognizing that I hurt others. When doing this, I try to make others feel that I was more hurt more. 

What is "victim stance"?


On night shift the day before today, I stole another residents soap from his box because I liked the way it smelled more. He had old spice and it is my favorite. The next morning, Mr. Jeremy comes to talk to me about it after reviewing the cameras. When he asked me if I stole the soup, I begin scratching my head and tell him I don't remember. I make faces at him that make it appear that I am puzzled.

What is "confusion"?


Another resident comes back from lab after being talked to about how low his grades are in front of the whole pod. When we get back to the pod, I let the resident know about how stupid he is and how easy the classes in lab are. I tell him that I got A's in every course and that it took me two weeks. I call him slow in front of the whole pod and laugh at him. Everyone else laughs at him to. 

What is "making fools of"?


I am not able to care for other people, how they are feeling or what they are going through. I am not able to experience emotions that match another person's emotions. 

What is "lack of empathy"?


I only tell part of the story and leave out details that might be important. I do not give all of the relevant information. 

What is "fact stacking/ommission"? 


I do not show feeling or a lack of interest or enthusiasm.

What is "lackadaisical"? 
