Distortions 1
Examples 1
Examples 2
Reframing practice
You look at things in extremes, in an absolute all-or-nothing way.
What is Black & White Thinking?
This is when we apply simplistic and unfair definitions that are probably wrong or more likely incomplete on ourselves and others.
What is Labeling
She broke up with me last night. Now I'll never meet anyone.
What is Black and White thinking OR What is Overgeneralization
"I will never be happy"
Examples: "I may be unhappy now but that will pass." "I have been happy before and I will be happy again."
Fortune Telling and Mind Reading are types of what cognitive distortion?
What is Jumping to Conclusions
This is when we see a single negative event as a part of a never-ending streak of failure. We use words like "always," "never," "everybody".
What is Overgeneralization?
This is when we anticipate that things will turn out badly and act as if they already turned out that way.
What is Fortune Telling
If I tell my friends about my depression they won't be able to handle it.
What is Fortune Telling
I have to follow one career path or I will not be successful.
Examples: "People with many different careers are successful." "There a lot of careers that I will be happy with."
This is another term for Cognitive Distortions.
What is Thinking Traps, Faulty Thinking, or Stinky Thinking
You assume people are reacting negatively to you even when there is no evidence for this.
What is mind reading?
This is when we see ourselves as the cause of negative events that we are not responsible for.
What is Personalization
My friend cancelled our plans because she doesn't like me anymore.
What is personalization
He didn't say Hi to me this morning so he must be mad at me for something I did.
"There are many reasons why he did not say Hi to me. It's probably not personal." "I will check in with him later and make sure everything is ok"
Types of statements make us feel pressured, guilty or resentful that we use to motivate ourselves to do things and create unrealistic expectations.
What are "Should" statements.
You disqualify your accomplishments or positive qualities insisting they "don't count."
What is discounting the positives?
This is when we look at our strengths and trivialize them.
What is Minimization
I know she complimented me on my new outfit but she was just being nice.
What is Discounting the Positives OR What is Minimization
People don't care about me at all, they are only are only looking out for themselves.
"Sometimes people do nice things for me." "People might be trying to help me and I don't realize it."
These are well-learned ways of thinking about situations that are instantaneous and reflect our underlying beliefs about the world.
What are automatic thoughts
You blame yourself (or others) for something for which you (or they) were not entirely responsible.
What is personalization?
This is an extreme example of turning positive events into negative ones.
What is Disqualifying the Positive
I am a failure and cannot do anything right.
What is Labeling.
Nothing is ever going to work out for me.
"I can't predict the future so I don't know how things will turn out for me." "It's likely that somethings will work out for me and other things will not."
This type of therapy helps you reframe your cognitive distortions so that you can come up with a more balanced way of thinking.
What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or CBT?