Forms of C.D.
Forms of C.D.
Examples of C.D.
Coping Mechanisms

What is "Magnification and Minimization"

When you exaggerate or minimize the importance of events. It may cause you to believe your achievements are minimal while your mistakes are overly important. 


What is "Catastrophizing"

Seeing only the worst possible outcomes for a situation


What C.D. is this an example of:

Felix doesn't want to try out for his school soccer club because he "knows" he won't make it on the team. 

"Fortune Telling"


Remind yourself that thoughts and feelings are not facts; just because you think it doesn't make it true. 

How to cope with 'Emotional Reasoning"


What are ways you relax/de-stress?

Reading, watching TV, playing a video game, doing sports, sleeping, going for a walk, talking to friends, etc. 


What is "Fortune Telling"

When you think you know what will happen in the future, and that it will be bad without evidence to back that thought up. 


The action of interpreting the thoughts and beliefs of others without adequate evidence

What is "Mind Reading"


What C.D. is this an example of:

Ronald had woken up with a fever and called sick into work. The next day, when he was feeling better he went in and found out there was a robbery yesterday. This made Ronald feel guilty; he believed that if he had gone to work yesterday the robbery would've never occurred.



How to cope with "Should Statements"

Recognize the language you use, and practice restructuring sentences to have reassuring qualities, ie. Using phrases like "It's okay to feel this way" or "All feelings matter including these"


True or False: It is not normal to feel negative emotions.

False! We are human and we all come with different emotions and backgrounds, the way we feel is unique to our person, however even though it is normal and okay to not always have positive emotions that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to work towards them. 


When you assume that emotions reflect the way things actually are. 

What is "Emotional Reasoning"


What is "Magical Thinking"

The belief that thoughts, actions, or feelings influence unrelated situations. 


Which C.D. is this an example of: 

Alex has had perfect attendance for her entire school career since 1st grade; today she missed her bus for the very first time and arrived at school 10 minutes late. His first thoughts were that he would get expelled and rejected from colleges because of this. 



How to cope with "Personalization"

Ask yourself if your response to the situation is reasonable and rational. With practice, you can turn self-blame into self-compassion. 


Who can you talk to when you are feeling blue?

Friends, therapist, trusted adult, teacher, guardian, siblings, family, anyone here!


The belief that things should be a certain way.

What are "Should Statements"


When you think in absolutes, such as "always," "never," or "every.

What is "All-or-Nothing Thinking"


What C.D. is this an example of:

Josie was out with her friends when she suddenly noticed that she had been getting looks from people. She took this as something was wrong with how she looked and would constantly ask her friends for reassurance. In reality, she had gotten her hair done earlier that day and people had been looking at her because they thought her hair was pretty. 

"Mind Reading"


How to cope with "Magnification and Minimlaztion"

Recognize that you are magnifying or minimizing the situation, and consider possibly journaling these thoughts and feelings to see the pattern and begin working to stop them.


True or False: There are several ways to go about coping with the same situation.

True! Despite the coping methods here, numerous others are safe and helpful and can be used whenever you are experiencing cognitive distortion.


What is "Personalization"

When you believe you are responsible for events outside of your control.


What is "Negative Labeling"

Having a negative belief about yourself and thinking it applies to everything you do. 


What C.D. is this an example of:

Ginette ordered a burger without onions, but they were still on when she got the food. Ginette was reasonably upset but stated that she should be grateful for it anyway because at least she was able to afford the burger. 

"Should Statments"


Rather than jumping to conclusions, consider all the possibilities and ask others what they actually think before assuming the worst. 

How to cope with "Mind Reading"


What does C.B.T. stand for?

C.B.T. stands for "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy", which is a type of talking therapy. It's a common treatment for a range of mental health problems. CBT teaches you coping skills for dealing with different problems. It focuses on how your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect your feelings and actions.
