This bias is about only seeking out information that aligns with your views.
What is confirmation bias?
Without these we would have no way to mentally group objects, people, and ideas.
What are concepts?
This type of encoding is best for making sure information makes it to your LTM, it has to do with connecting meaning to the concepts you are trying to remember
What is semantic encoding?
The order of memory processing is ___, storage, retrieval.
What is encoding?
I gave you a marshmallow for doing your homework.
What is an example of positive reinforcement?
People still believe the earth is flat despite all the evidence that proves it is in fact round, this is due to this cognitive error.
What is belief perseverance?
The lightbulb moment when you suddenly realize the solution to a problem
What is insight?
This is the first "stop" on the Atkinson-Shiffrin model and it lasts less than one second (>1 second)
What is sensory memory?
This man has his hippocampus removed because of a seizure disorder, causing his to lose his memory.
Who is H.M.?
This is what is measured in an experiment?
What is the dependent variable?
In the Duncker problem, people didn't realize the box of tacks was part of the solution because of this
What is functional fixedness?
A pigeon and a chocolate chip cookie are both examples of this.
What is a prototype?
The "tip-of-the-tongue" phenomenon is a type of ___ failure
What is retrieval?
This is what allows us to filter out unnecessary stimuli and focus on the task at hand.
What is selective attention?
This type of reinforcer is based on biological needs.
What is a primary reinforcer?
Back in the 50's many people would have been shocked by a female doctor because of this cognitive error.
What is representative heuristic?
A type of methodical problem solving that guarantees a correct solution, but can be time consuming.
What is an algorithm?
This is the part of the brain that is responsible for LTM formation.
What is the hippocampus?
This part of the brain is vital in procedural memory?
What is the cerebellum?
This is how Elizabeth Loftus would describe memory.
Einstein famously said: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". This cognitive pysch term explains why we do the same thing over and over again.
What is mental set?
What is divergent thinking?
This type of long term memory has to do with remembering facts, dates, and other objective information.
What is semantic memory?
The strengthening of neural connections to to repeated or strong stimuli.
What is Long Term Potentiation or LTP
What animals does Mr. Kirk have as a pet?