Who was the first to use the term "cognitive psychology?"
Who is Ulric Neisser?
What is the focus of cognitive psychology?
Cognitive psychology focuses on how organism-internal processes, such as memory, attention, and language, work together to give rise to the human ability to consciously perceive, interpret, and act in the world around them.
What was Noam Chomsky known for?
Chomsky emphasized that the structure of language was too complex to be explained in behaviorist terms.
Who was the first cognitive psychologist?
Aristotle examined topics such as perception, memory, and mental imagery. He also emphasized the importance of empirical evidence.
What is cognition?
Cognition refers to the acquisition, storage, transformation, and use of knowledge.
What led to the shift toward cognitive psychology?
Behaviorist concepts such as observable stimuli, responses, and reinforcement could not adequately explain Complex human behavior.
What was Ulric Neisser known for?
Neisser published Cognitive Psychology in 1967.
Cognitive Psychology is an influential book that covered memory and thought processes as well as speech perception.
Wundt proposed that psychology should study mental processes, and advocated the use of introspection to do so.
Who coined the term "Artificial Intelligence?"
John McCarthy.
What year was the birth of cognitive psychology?
During this year researchers published numerous influential books and articles on attention, memory, language, concept formation, and problem solving.
What was Jean Piaget Known for?
What is cognitive development?
Piaget conducted research on children’s thought processes and how their cognitive strategies change as they mature.
Though behaviorist methods were deemed inadequate for studying complex mental processes, what major contribution to research methods did behaviorists make?
Operational definition.
An operational definition is a precise definition that specifies exactly how a concept is to be measured.
What was a criticism of cognitive psychological studies during its earlier years?
Ecological Validity.
Ecological validty consideres whether the conditions in which the research is conducted are similar to the natural setting where the results will be applied.
Where was the term "Artificial Intelligence" first used?
Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence which took place in 1956.
What was George A. Miller known for?
Research on short term memory.
In his 1956 paper, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two, Miller proposed that short-term memory is subject to certain limits including span and the quantity of information that can be stored at a given time.
What did Frederic Bartlett contribute to the field of cognitive psychology?
Bartlett proposed that human memory is an active, constructive process, in which we interpret and transform the information we encounter.