Research Studies & Models
Biological level of Cognition
Who and when came up Schema Theory? What is the name of the research?
Barlett (1932), 'The War of the Ghost'.
What are the strengths and weakness of Multi-Store Model of Memory?
Strengths: 1. There is emipirical evidence to support the existence of different sections of memory. 2. There has clinical evidence that gives weight to the idea of short term memory and long term memory as separate memory stores. 3. It sparked research at the time and it has been one of the most influential models to date. It served as a biasis for the development of other models of memory. Weakness: 1. One of the major criticisms of hte multi-store model is its concept htat refersla is a vital factor in transferring information from STM to LTM. 2. The model also makes no attempt ot explain how the processing and storage of information affects behavior. 3. Model is seen as reductionist, inflexible and too simplistic.
Which part of the brain stores memory?
What are emotions?
Emotion involves both physiological arousal,expressive behavior and conscious experience.
State the possible social factors that affect memory.
1. Povety related stress. 2. Poor nutrition. 3. Socialization and activity levels.
Explain the inconsistencies of flash-blub memory.
Flash-bulb memory is the speical kind of emotional memory that record vivid and detail on highly emotional events. It is inconsistence because delay recall may have affected the result. Therefore results obtained may be due to other reasons rather than s the result of flashbulb memories. Secondly, most information is forgotten shortly after an event, which immediate recollections are the most detailed compare to later, more vague recollections.
How acetylcholine affects memory?
Acetycholine helps in the development of memory formation in the hippocampus. More acetylcholine contains in cognition will have better formation of memory.
Describe the theories of emotion.
1. James-Lange Theory suggested physiology produces emotion and cognition. Environment triggers physiology, then emotion/cognitive response to physiology. 2. Cannon-Bard Theory suggested emotion and physiology occurs simultaneously. Environment triggers emotion and physiology together. 3. Schachter and Singer (Two factor theory) suggested cognition and physiology produce emotion. Cognitive apprasial of environment events identifies enotion. 4. Cognitive apprasial theroy (Lazarus) suggested apprasial of the situation determines the level of physiological arousal and the specific type of emotion to be experienced.
How does our background or culture affect our memory?
Schemas arederived from prior experience and knowledge. They simplify reality, setting up expectations about whiat is probalbe in relaiton to particular social and textual contexts.
Explain the simiar consistencies between flashbulb memories and ordinary memories.
Flashblub memories recored highly emotional events vividly and in detail. Both memories are reported equally vivid, which is becoming less and less vivid and reliable. Flashbulb memories may be no difference from other meories is because participants are just more likely to believe that their answers are accurate due to the flashbulb events may have repeated regularly compare to ordinary memories.
How might social interaction improve memory?
Hormone oxytocin which is associated with lactaiton or human bonding will improve memory.
How Alzheimer's disease occurs?
Alzheimer's disease occurs by the accumulation of hard, insoluble amyloid plaques between neurons. Neurofibrillary tangles cause microtubule to collaspe. During the progress, brian tissue shrinks but its ventricles enlarge. Short-terms memory begins to decline when the cells in the hippocampus degenerate. As Alzheimer's disease spreads through the cerebral cortex, judgment worsens, emotional outbursts may occur and langugae is impaited. Its advancement also lead to the death of more neurons and subsequent changes in behavior. In the final stage, memory worsens and may become almost non-existent.
Explain the limitations of James-Lange Theory.
The body informs the mind. Then distinctive body changes are accompanied by different emotions. Perception of these changes determines the expereince of emotion and difference between emotions are a direct result of the different paterns of physiological responcse associate with them. It was argued by Cannon that the theory is too slow in accounting for instantaneous emotional feeling. Also if the brain decides upon emotional expereince bases upwon physiological arousal, then individuals who receive no physiological arousal signals should not expereince emotion.