Old before new
Faked coherence

Write the missing word into the phrase: 

The kids didn't study. ___, they failed the course.

a. Therefore
b. Nonetheless

c. Otherwise

The kids didn't study. Therefore, they failed the course.

Define the term "coherence" in the context of writing.

Сoherence involves understanding the cumulative meaning of all sentences in a piece of writing.


Identify the 'old' (given) information and 'new' information in the following sentence:

"John went to the store after he finished work. At the store, he bought milk."


Old information: "John", "the store"
New information: "he bought milk"


Identify the sentence where faked coherence is used:

"The benefits of exercise are numerous; however, everyone should strive to lead an active lifestyle. Therefore, walking regularly contributes to overall well-being."

The sentence "Therefore, walking regularly contributes to overall well-being." employs faked coherence.


In what way does varying subjects just for the sake of variety influence the cohesion of a written text?

Introducing needless variations of the same subjects can confuse readers and interfere with their understanding of a passage. It is recommended to maintain a consistent choice of subjects to write a smoothly-flowing narrative.


Differentiate between cohesion and coherence in writing.

The authors distinguish between cohesion and coherence by comparing cohesion to the fitting together of sentences like puzzle pieces and coherence to understanding the overall meaning or message conveyed by all the sentences in a piece of writing. Or we can say, that cohesion is likened to how pairs of sentences fit together, while coherence involves understanding the cumulative meaning of all sentences in a piece of writing.


Rewrite the following sentence:

Sabrina was intrigued by the haunted house, so she researched the house’s history. A coven of witches needed a place to live in 1850, which is why they built the house.


Sabrina was intrigued by the haunted house, so she researched the house’s history. The house was built in 1850 by a coven of witches who needed a place to live.


Identify and correct the faked coherence in the following passage: 

"As technology advances, our reliance on it increases. Furthermore, our dependence on smartphones grows. However, this isn't always beneficial. Therefore, we should be mindful of our screen time and its impact on our mental health."

"As technology advances, our reliance on it increases. However, our dependence on smartphones grows. This isn't always beneficial. Therefore, we should be mindful of our screen time and its impact on our mental health."  


Identify the issue in the following sentence and rewrite it to make it more cohesive:

"A masterpiece was painted by the artist, showcasing his incredible skill in capturing vivid landscapes. "

The problem is the unnecessary use of the passive voice. The sentence can be revised as: "The artist painted a masterpiece, showcasing his incredible skill in capturing vivid landscapes." This version of a sentence aligns better with the preference for active voice.


Authors of the book give 3 reasons why a particular passage might be considered incoherent, what are those?

1. The subjects of the sentences are entirely unrelated: This means that the sentences lack a common thread or connection between their main subjects.
2. The sentences share no common themes or ideas: There is a lack of thematic consistency or a unifying concept that ties the sentences together.
3. The paragraph has no one sentence that states what the whole passage is about: There is no clear, overarching statement that encapsulates the main idea or purpose of the entire passage.


Rearrange the following sentences to make the paragraph more coherent according to the Old-New Principle:

"They were very excited about the trip"
"My friends decided to go on a hiking adventure."
"The hiking adventure was planned for next month."
"My friends love outdoor activities."


"My friends love outdoor activities"
"They decided to go on a hiking adventure."
"They were very excited about the trip."
"The hiking adventure was planned for next month."


Identify the multiple instances of faked coherence in the given passage: 

"Climate change poses a significant threat to our planet; thus, international cooperation is crucial. However, some countries are hesitant to commit to global agreements. Additionally, there are economic concerns that hinder progress. Therefore, finding a balance between environmental protection and economic growth remains a challenge."

The instances of faked coherence are:
1. "Thus, international cooperation is crucial."
2. "Additionally, there are economic concerns that hinder progress."
3. "Therefore, finding a balance between environmental protection and economic growth remains a challenge."


Which of the following answer options are examples of how to create cohesion in a text? (More than one answer can be correct.)

a. By transferring known information from the end of one sentence to the beginning of the next.

b. By repeating keywords or their synonyms to remind the reader what the section of the text is about.

c. By using as many headings as possible to clearly explain the text. 

d. By using words or phrases that in some way signal that different parts of the text are linked.

a. By transferring known information from the end of one sentence to the beginning of the next.

b. By repeating keywords or their synonyms to remind the reader what the section of the text is about.

d. By using words or phrases that in some way signal that different parts of the text are linked.


How does the author's distinction between cohesion and coherence contribute to the overall understanding of effective writing, and why is it crucial for writers to master both elements in order to produce clear and compelling prose?

Mastering both cohesion and coherence is essential for writers because cohesion facilitates sentence-level clarity and organization, while coherence ensures that the larger message or argument is understood. Without these elements, a piece of writing may lack clarity, making it challenging for readers to follow the author's intent or extract meaning from the text.


Rewrite the following complex paragraph to improve its coherence, applying the Old-before-new principle. Ensure that each sentence smoothly transitions from old (given) information to new information. Also, incorporate inferential connections between sentences.

"Mount Everest, known for its extreme height, is a challenge for climbers. Many climbers from around the world attempt to reach its summit. The weather on Mount Everest is unpredictable and often dangerous. Despite this, it remains a popular destination. The summit provides breathtaking views, which are a reward for those who make the challenging climb."

"Mount Everest, renowned for its extreme height, presents a formidable challenge to climbers globally. These climbers, attracted by its reputation, brave the unpredictable and often dangerous weather on the mountain. Despite the risks, Mount Everest's popularity as a destination persists. For those who withstand the challenging ascent, the summit offers breathtaking views, serving as a reward for their perseverance and courage."  


Reconstruct the following paragraph by eliminating all instances of faked coherence: 

"The impact of social media on society is undeniable; therefore, we must critically assess its influence. Moreover, individuals play a key role in shaping online discourse. However, not everyone acknowledges this responsibility. Consequently, misinformation spreads easily. Nevertheless, education and media literacy can mitigate these issues, fostering a more informed society."

"The impact of social media on society is undeniable. Individuals play a key role in shaping online discourse, but not everyone acknowledges this responsibility. Education and media literacy can mitigate these issues, fostering a more informed society."
