During COVID, we became these in order to operate on away from our offices
What are virtual teams?
This consultation is a specific discussion on whether to go forward with a proposal/project. It ensures that the project opportunity is appropriate regarding NRC financing strategy and internal policies, that it is within the existing core competency strategy, and that the CO has the capacity to implement the project.
What is the Go/No Go?
Bonding, playing, having fun together to have strong teams and shared moments.
What is team building?
La capitale qui se dresse au confluent du Nil bleu et du Nil blanc
Qui est Karthoum ?
L’athlète qui représente tous les sportifs de son pays, notamment lors de la cérémonie d’ouverture
Qui est le drapeau?
Ce processus définit les différentes phases de la vie d'un projet avec des activités de gestion bien définies et des procédures de prise de décision
Qu'est ce que le PCM ?
This is based on shared responsibilities of a key process that disperses the critical functions of that process to more than one person or department.
What is segregation of duties?
Soo many of them received each day, it never stops! But we cannot imagine our daily lives without them
What is an email ?
Un sens manque au serpent ?
Qu'est ce que l'ouie ?
Continent qui n’a jamais accueilli les JO
Qui est Afrique ?
Difficulties encountered accessing our beneficiaries, these impediments make our humanitarian efforts heavy in some countries
What is administrative red tape?
With everyone on edge, this process reviews objectives, goals and desired results every four months in NRC
What is T process (T period)?
Break the team into smaller groups and reflect on specific subjects
What is group work?
Je raconte les aventures de Sherlock Holmes
le personnage imaginaire qui représente les JO
Qu'est ce qu'une mascotte ?
Biggest challenge to all teams, especially when deadlines are tights
What is communication issues?
This process to improve individual and organizational performance. It is Mandatory for all NRC staff, regardless of their position, location or contract period.
What is performance management?
These take up a lot of time and resources. Yet, as humanitarians scatter in so many countries, we are drawn to hold them every day to exchange.
What is a meeting?
L'inséparable de Bonnie Parker
Qui est Clyde Barrow ?
La devise olympique : « CITIUS, ALTIUS, FORTIUS» en francais facile :)
Viewing the world from more than the eyes of our culture, accepting and understanding how phrases and actions are interpreted in another culture.
What is cultural perspective?
This model covers procedures for how to budget, allocate and report on costs in Countries.
What is Fair Share?
Je vous permet de travailler ensemble pour la redaction d'un document; nous pouvons y contribuer simultanement pour avancer plus rapidement
Un bateau à trois coques
Qu'est ce qu'un trimaran ?
L'année ou les Jeux olympiques d’hiver et d’été ont été organisés la même année
Qu'est ce que 1992?