What is a penny's value?
What is a nickels value?
5 cents
What is the value of a dime?
10 cents
What is the value of a quarter?
25 cents
How can I make up 42 cents?
One way - 10 dimes, 2 pennies
Second way - 8 nickels, 2 pennies
Third way - 2 dimes, 4 nickels, 2 pennies
How many pennies are needed for 50 cents?
If I have 5 nickels, how much do I have?
25 cents
If I have 6 dimes, how much money do I have?
60 cents
How many quarters do I need if I want to have 50 cents?
If I buy a bag of candy and spend 2 quarters, 3 dimes and 3 pennies, how much did I spend?
83 cents
If an ice cream cost 62 cents, how many pennies do I need?
If I have 10 nickels, do I have enough to buy an ice cream that cost one dollar?
I want a bag of popcorn, it costs $1.30. I have 13 dimes, do I have enough?
I had 4 quarters. I spent 50 cents, how many quarters do I have left?
How much is the ice cream worth if I spent 4 quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickels and 6 pennies?
How many pennies are in one dollar?
How many nickels do I need to complete 50 cents?
I have 10 dimes. I spent 50 cents on an ice cream. How many dimes for I have now?
How many quarters equal one dollar?
I started with 3 quarters. My mom gave me 1 quarter and 3 dimes. Now how much money do I have?
How many pennies do I need to equal two quarters?
How many nickels are in one dollar?
How many dimes make up one dollar?
How many quarters do I need to make up 3 dollars?
I have 4 quarters. I bought a drink for 30 cents. How much change should I receive back?
70 cents